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Hey, it’s that day! The one where I link things. Seriously though, I am really running out of ways to talk about how it is Friday. So let’s just skip straight to the linkage.
Book Related Things
This has been J.K. Rowling’s week - one can’t avoid reading about her or The Casual Vacancy. The New Yorker has the longest profile piece on her, ever, but if you’re lazy like me, here’s are some highlights. Or you can buy her old home (seriously, someone wire me 4 million dollars, asap.) And because J.K. Rowling wouldn’t be J.K. Rowling if she didn’t taunt us mercilessly, there is talk of a Harry Potter Director’s Cut. But don’t hold your breathe. Just remember the first time you heard about the Harry Potter encyclopedia you’re still waiting for (I mean, it's been almost FIVE years since she took the Harry Potter Lexicon guy to court, after all.)
Experience 50 Shades of Grey fatigue? One bookstore wants to help rid you of the Grey. And Atlantic Wire has a list of YA books sexier than 50 Shades (I would argue any YA book falls into that category, but whatever.)
Atlantic Wire also takes a look at how children's book covers have changed over time.
Apparently it’s The Baby-sitter’s Club nostalgia week on the internet. We’ve got texts from the BSC and 12 facts that won’t actually blow your mind, but are worth a look.
A really great interview with author Malinda Lo, author of Ash, among other things (Thanks Wendy!)
For those of you in the Charleston, SC area, be sure to check out YALLFest. They have a metric butt ton (which in this case equals 44) of YA authors who will be attending, and YALLFest will be hosting author interviews on their site leading up to the festival.
TV Related Thing(s)
Guys, guys, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog is going to be on TV. Like, real TV, not just the internet.
Movie Related Things
YA book Beautiful Creatures has made the transition to film and the first trailer is now out. It certainly is channeling Twilight pretty hard, as least music wise.
And an extended look at Les Miserables. All the singing was recorded live, instead of recorded in a studio and dubbed over later. What do you think of that technique - yay or nay?
Posh has already taken a Highly Scientific look at it, but just in case you missed it, here is the trailer for Amy Heckerling‘s Vamps.
Who would be in your dream yearbook made of fictional movie characters? Not anyone from Cruel Intentions or Wild Things, that’s for damn sure. Yikes.
And because it wouldn’t be right for me to go a week without spazzing over The Hobbit, here is Lego Hobbiton and a new promo poster!
And last but not least, The Princess Bride turned 25 this week! Still my favorite movie of all time. Check out this great article to learn somethings you may have never known about the film.
Miscellaneous Things
Someone make me this Goblet of Fire themed drink, please and thanks. There are flames.
And in things to buy, check out the Bubble and Geek etsy shop whose seller makes candles, lotions and lip blams in totally awesome flavors such as Butterbeer, Winter Is Coming, and Hobbit Garden.
Anything fun or interesting or cool or horrifying to share? Link it to us in the comments below!