Previously on Nashville, Daddy Lamar died and Scarlett made a poor decision named Liam.
HEY Y'ALL. There was some excellent drama on this week's episode, which almost makes up for the TRASH known as Lady Lawyer. Let's get down to the nitty gritty!
- Juliette is getting lots of major label offers, but she's not interested, even when diamond earrings are involved. (In other news, I am SO in the wrong line of work.) While she considers how to stay in country music, Avery feels emasculated because he makes less money than his girlfriend. Dude, don't make me reconsider how much I started liking you this season. Jeff Doucheham comes calling and basically begs Juliette to come back to Edge Hill, and to sweeten the pot, he offers Avery a producer gig, which Avery promptly refuses. He's real bratty about it, but he does make a good point: Jeff doesn't respect Juliette. HEARD! Instead of signing on with Edge Hill, Juliette approaches Rayna and asks to be on Highway 65. We all saw that coming, but it doesn't make it any less AWESOME.
- Rayna finds out that her label's checks are bouncing and blames Tandy for effing up as CFO. (Thank god she turns down Luke's offer of financial support because I could NOT abide with that.) Due to the financial mess, Rayna loses a band she was hoping to sign, so she tries to cut ties with Tandy. I have no love for the woman, but I'm glad Tandy wouldn't let Rayna kick her one remaining family member (besides the girls) to the curb. And the hits keep coming, because Rayna walks in on Scarlett and Liam making out (GROSS) and decides to fire Liam before he effs Scarlett up too much. Smart move. PEACE OUT LIAM NEVER COME BACK.
- Gunnar is super gung ho about his new band with Zoey and Avery and starts filling up their schedule with studio sessions and a gig. Avery isn't QUITE that excited, for reasons I can't fathom? They almost get in a physical fight right before their first show, but the performance ends up being pretty dang great.
- Layla and Gay Cowboy Will are in this episode... because why? Layla's career is nosediving while Gay Cowboy Will's song is burning up the radio. Then we learn that she lost her virginity (!) to a gay man. I never thought I would say this but POOR LAYLA.
- Deacon goes out on a mini-tour and runs into an old friend at an AA meeting. A former back-up singer for Rayna, she's really sweet and pretty, but Deacon turns down her offer to sleep over because he's an UPSTANDING GENTLEMAN. As opposed to Lady Lawyer, who SLEEPS WITH TEDDY IN HER CAR. WHAT THE ACTUAL EFF. And also THAT IS DISGUSTING. I'm enraged on Deacon's behalf but I'm also really glad this happened because Lady Lawyer and Teddy DESERVE EACH OTHER. The show robbed us of the joy at watching Teddy's face when he realized that Peggy faked her pregnancy (he found some miscarriage meds in her purse), but at least it delivered on Lady Lawyer's guilty face when Deacon came home. Of course she didn't tell Deacon what happened, because SHE'S TERRIBLE, but this is Nashville, so obviously in two episodes Deacon will find out by walking in on them in a Highly Dramatic scene.
Best Sassy Lady Line:
I decided to change this category name since Juliette's been getting so many good zingers lately.
And this one in particular was VERY satisfying: "The best part is, Jeff Fordham has to publicly dine on a big fat plate of chicken fried crow."
Rayna vs Juliette: (Who won?)
Juliette continues her winning streak by deciding NOT to sign the Edge Hill contract and going with Rayna's label instead. Plus, in stark contrast to all of her other relationships, she handled Avery's crap in a super healthy, loving way. Girlfriend has gotten MATURE this season.
Best Scene:
Juliette, slamming a $10,000 bottle (WHAT!) of champers on Jeff Doucheham's table. SO GOOD. Seriously, someone make me a gif of that PRONTO.
I also really loved the scene when Juliette told Avery that she tore up the contract.
Juliette: "As far as I'm concerned, you are my best offer. Can we try dinner again?"
Avery: "Are you asking me out?"
Juliette: "No, I'm asking you to ask me."
Best Sub-plot:
Juliette signing up with Rayna's label, OBVIOUSLY.
- Not that I'm complaining, because I want Lady Lawyer GONE, but HOW is it possible to cheat on Deacon? And with TEDDY? I just... trying to make sense of this HURTS MY BRAIN.
- So, right after the heartwarming scene when Juliette asks Rayna if she can sign to her label, the preview for next week is all about how much these two woman hate each other. UGH, SHOW. Quit with the catfights!
Burning Questions:
- Who the hell are the other people in Gunnar, Avery and Zoey's band?
- When Layla said, "Tell me what you like," to Gay Cowboy Will in bed, did anyone else really hope he was gonna say, "a penis"?
- Is Luke going to turn out to be a bad guy? I still have such mixed feelings about him (mostly because he's not Deacon).
Now, grab a bottle of Lady Lawyer haterade and let's dish in the comments!