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Welcome back to Luke's Diner, where salads are encouraged but never ordered. Even though we've hit the semi-finals, the choices you face this week aren't nearly as hard as they will be next week. So enjoy your false sense of peace, SUCKAS.
After last week, we kicked Everwood, Roswell, Skins (UK) and Doogie Howser to the curb. Here's the updated bracket:
As always, check out the interactive PDF bracket!
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(1) Friday Night Lights vs. (5) The Vampire Diaries
Even though Tim Riggins is obviously the hottest thing that ever hit Dillon, he's never been a component of my favorite FNL couple. (Lyla Garrity is too Lyla Garrity, and Tyra, though awesome, really should have worked it out with Landry.) Matt Saracen and Julie Taylor, however, are SO MEANT TO BE. Especially because Matt was smart enough to break up with Julie so she could get all of the brattiness out of her system before they got back together.
I mean, just try to watch this swimfantage and NOT tear up:
When it comes to The Vampire Diaries, it's tricky to pick an ultimate couple. I only watched the first two seasons (SORRY), which left me firmly on Team Stefan. But it seems like most people are Damon fans, so I'll go ahead and ship him and Elena. Because, let's be honest, these vamps don't stand a chance against the Panthers.
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(3) Daria vs. (2) Gilmore Girls
I had to Google the boys in Daria's life, because romance was never really why I watched the show. There was Trent, but nothing actually happened with that dude (plus he had some nasty facial hair), so I went with Tom Sloane, who dated Jane before he became Daria's boyfriend.
But that's all superfluous, because JESS. Or LOGAN. Full disclosure, I'm watching Gilmore Girls for the first time and haven't quite finished Season Three, so I haven't had the pleasure of meeting Logan. But Jess is all kinds of SEXY, and here's the montage to prove it:
Polls close this Saturday at midnight Central, with results posted on Sunday!