Ladies and Brian, we have reached the final round of the Luke's Diner bracket, which means a battle line has been drawn. After this vote, hearts will be broken, and friendships may be ruined. This is a choice that will define you for the rest of your life, so proceed with great care.
Today, two incredible shows will engage in brutal combat, and only one will go on to pursue Teen TV Madness glory.
To experience Teen TV Madness in its full splendor, check out the interactive PDF bracket!
(1) Friday Night Lights vs. (2) Gilmore Girls
That's right, it's Dillon, TX vs. Stars Hollow, CT.
Tami Taylor vs. Lorelai Gilmore.
Coach vs. Luke.
Riggins vs. Jess.
Buddy Garrity vs. Taylor Doose.
Landry vs. Dave Rygalski.
Julie vs. Rory.
Okay, well, that last one isn't much of a competition, but SERIOUSLY. WHY DID WE DO THIS TO OURSELVES? It must be because we enjoy STABBING OUR OWN HEARTS REPEATEDLY.
Let's delay the pain vote a little longer and highlight some of the best episodes from the shows.
When it comes to Friday Night Lights, my favorite episode is... all of them? Just kidding! Obviously, my real answer is all of them, minus a couple in Season Two. So I'll just go ahead and leave this montage right here... TRY NOT TO CRY.
And in case you're still on the fence, here's some "y'all"s from Tami Taylor:
For Gilmore Girls, I asked FYA expert Meredith for a list of her favorites:
They Shoot Gilmores, Don't They?
We've Got Magic To Do
Rory's Birthday Parties
Red Light on the Wedding Night
Written in the Stars
Last Week Fights, This Week Tights
A-Tisket, A-Tasket
Those Are Strings, Pinocchio
I Can't Get Started
Raincoats and Recipes
Love, Daisies and Troubadors
Nick & Norah/Sid & Nancy
And here's some supplemental voting information:
Well, I've tried to delay the inevitable, but now we must step into the voting booth and make THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION OF OUR LIVES.
Godspeed and good luck.
Polls close at midnight CST Saturday! Results posted on Sunday.