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Your friendly neighborhood PLL recapper here, taking over Easter Weekend Pro-Tips duty while Megan is off gallivanting somewhere glamorous (I mean, I ASSUME it's glamorous; I'm the world's least curious friend…SORRY MEGAN HAPPY TRAILS WHEREVER YOU ARE WE MISS YOU THANKS FOR ALL THE LINKS).
Anyway, last week's Heartbleed news is soooo last week, and now that your passwords are all so secure not even YOU know them, you can fully devote your attention to the fact that THIS week all the world's royalty (offish and not) came out to play. Don't believe me? THERE ARE BABY PICTURES:
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via the queenly ladies of Go Fug Yourself
If you aren't routinely on Twitter at West Coast midnight, you may have missed the fact that Kate, Wills and George have been touring around New Zealand and Australia. By which I mean *I* would have missed it, as I am normally royals+baby blind. But the good ladies at GFY have been chronicling the Cambridges' sartorial and sporting adventures every night, and it has been hilarious.
This speaks to my teen show recapper's heart: HRH William Shatner has been live-tweeting CW sci-fi shows this week in exchange for signed cast items for his upcoming silent charity auction. Heart you, Kirk!
Silver Screen YA has two hot "new" queens on the scene, Shailene Woodley and Chloe Grace Moretz, and in case you had any doubt as to the legitimacy of their acension, this week gave us the pitch perfect trailer for IF I STAY and confirmation from author Rick Yancey that Moretz will be helming THE 5TH WAVE, as well as this clip of Woodley as Hazel in TFiOS and confirmation that her role as Tris will extended to a two-part ALLEGIANT adaptation.
On to the rest of the internet.
Classic lit your thing? Take a crash course in Jane Eyre, or determine which Little Women character you are (or, alternatively, enjoy Mallory Ortberg's DIRTBAG LITTLE WOMEN at the Toast).
Looking for some printed word photo porn? Check out NPR's photographic tour of public libraries, or oooh and ahhh over the impossible perfection of Tahereh Mafi and Ransom Riggs' recent wedding reception at the last bookstore—complete with a bouquet of flowers crafted from pages of MISS PEREGRINE'S.
Need a bit of rage reading? CENSORS IN SCHOOLS, we got ya covered: Idaho is the most recent state to get attention for trying to keep Sherman Alexie's ABSOLUTELY TRUE DIARY OF A PART-TIME INDIAN off shelves, but if you want to know the most challenged book of 2013, the ALA says it is CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS.
In Harry Potter news, you can now enroll in a MOOC at Hogwarts, and according to Pottermore, Ginny Weasley grew up to be a wizard sports journalist.
I don't know if this is the right category, but it IS a book…a BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH COLORING BOOK.
Eisner nominations! And a reminder to fake geek guys not to be a sexist jerk when it comes to animation and comics!
Via Tamora Pierce, one redditor's spot-on analysis of the twisted genius of Suzanne Collins for turning our escapist adventure/cathartic rebellion story into "misery porn" about the horror, mess, desolation, and reasonless grey aftermath of war.
But really…you just want validation you need ALL the books, right? GET VAILDATED.
THE GIVER featurette reassures us that the ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY role of a black and white world will remain a part of the story.
You want some MALEFICENT? Here's some MALEFICENT.
I guess I'm in the minority for never having even wanted a tiny bit to see MAGIC MIKE, but for those of you in the overwhelming majority on the other side of the fence: MAGIC MIKE XXL (snerk) has some specifics attached.
And speaking of Tatum: Gambit, anyone?
Fincher strikes again! GONE GIRL has the teasiest of trailers out.
SyFy has jumped on the fantastic political epic ship (pun TOTALLY INTENDED) and locked down a new space opera to be titled EXPANSE, based on the series of novels by James S.A. Corey. My dad just read this series, and is 100% convinced that, despite the fact one whole 1000-page book was called CALIBAN'S WAR, there wasn't a single character named Caliban. I suspect Shakespeare is to blame, but SyFy: you are warned. We want a Caliban.
From our friends over at Badass Digest, news that Marvel's hoped-for Agent Carter/SHIELD vehicle might arrive next winter. Tally ho!
Did you guys know Maya Rudolph had a variety show in the works? I didn't! Thanks, Megan!
ORPHAN BLACK is back this weekend, friends! DON'T GET LEFT BEHIND.
Finally, some blatant self-promotion: I will be taking over the reins of the TEEN WOLF recaps this summer. So if you missed the FYA's take on the supernatural shenanigans in Beacon Hills, look for me in June! And if you don't know well enough to know you should LOVE THE SUPERNATURAL SHENANIGANS in Beacon Hills…you have two months to lock that Netflix queue DOWN.
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via betawolfstiles
Earth's first habitable cousin has been found! Break out the carbon-based bubbly beverages!
Sometimes my dad make me dinner, but considering he only learned a few years ago that meat contained protein (love you so hard, Dad), I don't think I should be expecting any My Little Pony bento boxes anytime soon.
Admit it: some days you just want to sit back, relax, and look like a proper Victorian Lady. Now you can, in 11 easy steps!
Have you been waiting with bated breath for a definitive sorting of Disney characters into their respective Hogwarts houses? Wait no more!
Probably if that was an itch needing scratched, so too is this poll of attractive cartoon dudes.
Buffy may not have won FYA's Teen TV March Madness competish, but she wins our 90s loving hearts with this photoshoot SMG tweeted earlier in the week.
And even more 90s nostalgia: the Atlantic writes up a great piece on the quiet radicalism of ALL THAT.
Via the inimicable Toast, a 13-year old Mongolian EAGLE HUNTRESS (this one's for real, yo).
Some social justice talk to internalize this long holiday weekend: from catagator (via YAHighway), a fantastic post on Gender, Diversity, YA Lit and the Whole Shebang, and from therejectionist (aka, Sarah McCarry, author of ALL OUR PRETTY SONGS), an epic twitter rant about "racist fuckshits who claim it's hard to find writers of color to publish," storified for our reading and ruckus raising ease.
Finally, a bit of Rookie fantasy photography celebrating Spring the Swedish way (holla, fellow Scandis!), with the Easter Witches.
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Glad Påsk!