Previously on The Vampire Diaries - Stefan killed Enzo, tells Elena and they both keep it from Damon, The Other Side is crumbling, and some nonsense with travelers and doppelgangers. But now we have Ghost Enzo!
Let’s get all of the Traveler stuff out of the way first, shall we? For it is most unpleasant and boring. Tyler wakes up with a very attractive Traveler placing kisses down his chest. Her name is Maria and she’s the wife of Dead Julian, who’s currently hitchhiking in Tyler’s subconscious. He convinces her that he’s Julian long enough to wolf out and escape. Uh oh. Marcos isn’t going to be happy about that. He makes it back to Chez Salvatore and tells The Gang all about Marcos’ evil schemes to kill the doppelgangers in order to break the curse (yawn) and finally be able to settle down once and for all (double yawn). They’ll be able to find Stefan and Elena with a handy locator spell so Damon suggests the best idea of all time - Cabin in the Woods Field Trip!
Speaking of boring and irrelevant, Bonnie Bennett ladies and gents! Bonnie, girl, I’m sorry but they’ve done you wrong. You are inert and useless and just a big ol’ pile of sadz about your inevitable doom. She and Jeremy are making with the kissyface but he’s distracted thinking about The Other Side crumbling and what that could mean for Bonnie. She continues to lie to him about Liv doing a spell to protect her when Jeremy gets a text about Tyler returning and leaves. Gramma Whitley (I LOVED Whitley!) appears to her and sets her straight about lying to her man because SHIT IS GOING DOWN. This is evidenced by Grams becoming corporeal enough to knock over a lamp. OH CRAP.
Tyler has come up with an idea to mix up a solution of vervane and wolf’s bane to try and get info out of Julian/Tyler. Matt dons his sexy Czech voice and summons Julian forth. They manage to torture out of him the location of Julian’s body in order to keep it from Marcos, who will definitely try and hex it in order to make Julian’s residence in Tyler a permanent one. Eh, Tyler was kind of being a dick anyways this season so I see this as a WIN.
Jeremy and Bonnie search for it in a creepy underground cave (pretty standard in Mystic Falls) and find an entire pod of dead Travelers, all of whom are currently riding sidecar in the minds of residents of Mystic Falls. I have to hand it to Marcos, he knows how to concoct an evil scheme and think ahead. Unfortunately the Travelers show up, headed by Maria, and so take Julian’s body before Bonnie and Jeremy have a chance. Once again, Bonnie and Jeremy are pointless this season.
I can't find a reason for my character to still exist, not even with this flashlight.
And now what we all really want to dish about - The Cabin in the Woods! Damon has Luke doing a locator spell to try and find Enzo and Stefan is all, “Why do you want to find Enzo, Enzo is SO yesterday” and Damon’s like, “Because he flipped his humanity off, duh” and then Damon calls Luke a WonderTwin and I feel totally vindicated. Stefan manages to cover his ass by saying that obviously Enzo has a witch working for HIM doing a blocking spell which is why he can’t be found. Damon buys it...for now.
I'm sure that Enzo is on a beach somewhere, sipping a cocktail from the skull of his latest victim. No big.
Once Tyler tells them all about Marcos and his Evil Scheme, Damon suggests that they pack up Luke and all head out of Mystic Falls to stay ahead of the Travelers. Luke can keep them hidden and they can all play Spin the Bottle! Or something. They end up at Caroline’s dad’s cabin and there is serious awkward tension between Elena and Damon. Which is glorious. Caroline picks up on the secretive whispers between Elena and Stefan and so OF COURSE assumes that they’re sucking face again. Caroline Forbes! Are you...jealous? (For the record I’m not a Stefan/Caroline shipper. At least not at this point.) She’s sensing something else really odd as she enters the cabin and that something would be passing through Enzo’s ghost! Oh Enzo. You continue to delight me, you wonderous scoundrel.
Damon tries to apologize to Elena for Enzo attacking her and she acts totally shady because Elena Gilbert is a terrible liar. She mumbles about helping Stefan to get firewood and Damon’s eyebrow is RAISED. In the shed she whines to Stefan about their continued deceit and he tells her that Damon will eventually forget Enzo and everything will be fine. SURE THING. On their way out Ghost Enzo realizes that he can hit things and graduates to Poltergeist: Level 2.
Damon is making cocktails (LOVE) and Caroline is making up cards for charades (MORE LOVE). Her theme is “Secrets People Think They’re Getting Away With”. Caroline can’t do subtlety for shit. She mentions to Damon that she thinks Elena and Stefan are being dodgy and he raises his eyebrow in agreement.
Elena and Stefan are kicking ass at charades despite the terrible theme and so Caroline decides to change it up with a game of I Never and it gets super awkward super fast with suggestions of “I Never Kissed a Salvatore Brother...this morning?” and “I never lied about where Enzo is”. On that note, Elena gets ready for bed.
Why am I not surprised that there is A - a clawfoot tub in this cabin, and B - that Elena Gilbert takes bubble baths before bed. Ghost Enzo uses this opportunity to shove Elena under the water and Damon gets to come to her rescue. YES. Stefan calls Bonnie to see if there’s a Disturbance in the Force (aka The Other Side) and she confirms it, telling him about her lamp-smashing dead Grams. Stefan looks CONCERNED. I love Concerned Stefan. Caroline overhears this and is all like, ENZO IS DEAD WTF and Damon strolls in confirming this since of course Elena fessed up after he rescued her from the bath and wrapped her in a towel. WE SHOULD ALL BE THIS LUCKY. Damon also realizes that the tub fiasco was a mere distraction from the bigger scheme of Enzo’s plan - TO KILL THEM ALL.
DAMMIT. Whose turn was it to watch the WonderTwin??
They rush out to the porch where Luke was keeping vigil and of course he’s gone. So now the Travelers can find them and THEY NEED TO FIND LUKE.
Caroline and Elena are looking for Luke (is anyone else surprised that Enzo didn’t just kill Luke? Just me?) and Caroline is visibly upset. Sure, Elena didn’t have to tell Damon because no one likes it when Damon gets all in his sadz and goes on a murder spree, but DAMN GIRL, Caroline is your BESTIE and you didn’t tell her! Elena wants to know why Caroline is so paranoid about her rekindling her lurrrve with Stefan and Caroline doesn’t have an answer for her. Now MY eyebrow is raised.
Damon and Stefan are also looking for Luke and Stefan wants to hash things out about Enzo. Damon gets why he lied about it and even why he killed Enzo, telling him if roles were reversed he would have done it months ago. Stefan said that Enzo was Damon’s friend and so it’s not that simple. What Stefan was really scared of was Damon hating him. They find Luke tied up in the woodshed, which also happens to be a perfect tinder box and is soaked in gasoline. Ghost Enzo is looking quite pleased with himself. He proceeds to stab both brothers when Damon promises to figure out a way to bring Enzo back. (THANK GOD.) Brothers are unstabbed, Luke is untied and all make a clean getaway back to the cabin. Damon gets in one good punch to Stefan for lying to him and one very heartbreaking look of disappointment at Elena.
Meanwhile, back in the dungeons of Chez Salvatore, Tyler is freaking out because he’s having Julian’s memories brought forward which can only mean that there is chanting going on and Julian is now permanently living in Tyler’s body. I am oddly ok with this.
Caroline confronts Stefan about lying to her, and really it’s that he told Elena about Enzo and not Caroline. Stefan confides that he tells her loads of things that he doesn’t tell Elena, but really it was that he didn’t want her to know that he killed him. Caroline shrugs it off like she didn’t have incredible chemistry with Enzo but you can tell she’s really chuffed that her opinion is so important to Stefan. Caroline leaves to pack and then I’m pretty sure that Stefan is taken by the Travelers.
Damon is packing up the car and tells Elena to get her things packed too. She wants to talk because she feels guilty for lying to him. Damon gets it. She was trying to protect him, to keep him from going off the rails because if he did, it would prove that they shouldn’t be together. Except that he’s trying really hard not to, even though his only real friend is dead and gone, because he wants to be the man Elena knows he can be. YOU GUYS. I may have watched this scene SEVERAL times and not just because of Damon’s almost missable mouth-twitch of emotion.
Then he kisses Elena, she is overcome and keep her smile hidden, he goes back inside to continue packing and that’s when the Traveler-induced migraine hits her because, yep, they’re baaaaaack. Marcos grabs Elena and we fade to black.
Moments of Hilarity:
“You and I and our ex-girlfriend are going to go on a secret trip!” - Damon
“For some reason I thought that would make me feel better.” - Enzo, being incredibly cheeky after Caroline passes through him
“What did you think I was going to do? Slaughter innocents, go bowling with human heads?” - Damon
“If only this was totally avoidable!” - Damon, after being stabbed by Ghost Enzo
Moments of Heart-Swelling:
“You wanted to protect me so I wouldn’t spiral because if I spiralled then it would prove we shouldn’t be together. But I didn’t spiral. Despite every nerve in my body wanting to break something or hurt someone or do all the wrong things for all the right reasons I’m holding it together the best I can...for you.” - Damon
Moments of Panty-Melting:
Next time - They need to kill Marcos but Liv and Luke need to kill either Stefan or Elena to keep all magic from unraveling. At least they seem to feel really bad about it..?