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The Originals 1x21: The Battle of New Orleans

The Originals 1x21: The Battle of New Orleans

Previously on The Originals: Hayley and Elijah kiss! Oh, and there’s a wake for Father Kieran, but were we supposed to pay any attention to anything else?

Before we begin, big thanks to Amanda for taking care of last week’s recap for me! She saved me from losing what little is left of my mind, but then she outed me as Black Widow (I knew the leather catsuit seemed too warm in the unseasonably hot San Francisco weather), so you win some, you lose some.

Also, the last few episodes have made me get back on board The Originals Train. It’s no particular secret that I get frustrated with the show, especially when they retread the same old ground without respect to the history they’ve already created (see the name CELESTE in flashing neon lights, anyone?). I don’t like it when it seems like Klaus will never be allowed to grow, and when the show focuses so much on who controls New Orleans that it takes away from the family dynamics. The last three episodes, though, have renewed my love for the show. Hayley is filling the Rebekah-as-badass-female-lead void (not completely, mind you), Klaus is showing some personal growth, the werewolves have been given an interesting storyline, and of course, Elijah finally kissed Hayley.

Since this is the penultimate episode, I both welcome and fear what’s coming down the pike for our fair Southern friends.

I wanna put on...my my my my boogie shoes.

The Original Dysfunctional Family Drama

Francesca, aka Satan in a Pantsuit, outmaneuvers everyone in this episode. Klaus and Elijah team up with Oliver and Jackson to get stones for the moonlight rings (black kyanite, which frankly doesn’t look that rare to me – just order some off ebay and skip the involvement with the bad lady, you guys – or am I the only person who hates leaving the house?). Francesca, as it turns out, has teamed up with Genevieve. Uh oh!

But first, we must check in with Marcel (cloaked by Davina’s spell), who realizes that Klaus is trying to make an army of werewolves – bad for the vampires, obviously, because their bites are lethal to vampires. What’s the best way to stop that? Kidnapping Oliver and Jackson, torturing them, and strapping Jackson (and the stones, I presume) to a roomful of dynamite. Klaus figures out where Jackson is by biting Josh for leverage – Davina reluctantly tells him so that Klaus will come back to save Josh. The wolves are in Marcel’s warehouse by the docks, of course.

By the time Elijah dryly quips to Hayley that Jackson is “a bit tied up at the moment,” and Klaus announces to “exercise extreme caution in this area, it’s a bit messy,” Klaus has found a note in rather childish handwriting announcing “this is for Thierry.” KABOOM – the warehouse explodes. Jackson is spirited to safety by the Elegant Uncle Elijah and his sidekick, Kranky Klaus.

Hayley thanks Elijah for saving Jackson, and tells him they’re supposed to be betrothed. Elijah spouts off something about how he understands making sacrifices for one’s family, and Hayley snaps. She tells him not to be so noble, and he could say any number of things, such as, “you aren’t required to marry him.” Elijah cuts her off, kisses her thoroughly, and tells her “You will always have a choice.” Is it hot in here?

But what about the black kyanite?!

Enter Francesca, who conveniently has some black kyanite available! Certainly not enough for a werewolf army, but enough for, say… I don’t know… her and her five or six brothers. Curious!

As Genevieve performs the spell to charge the stones, Cami, in her least annoying storyline of the season (seriously, you guys, I didn’t even mind her in this episode) decodes a message that Father Kieran left for her, leading her to the location of a mystery apartment. (I’d like to take a moment to resent the size of that apartment, even before she finds the hidden library of occult stuff. My god, the things I could do with that kind of space! I could have a dining table.) A duct-tape X marks the spot where a sliding door reveals a dusty hidden room, complete with a box marked “FOR CAMI.” Props to the priest for his organizational skills.

Cami figures out that Francesca Correa isn’t a Correa at all – she’s a Guerrera werewolf, the line that Marcel thought he had wiped out. Only no one is answering their phones during this spell, including Hayley, who has stayed behind with Francesca to make sure Genevieve doesn’t pull any funny business.

Unfortunately, that’s going to be a problem for Hayley, because Genevieve and Francesca have an agreement: Genevieve makes the rings for Francesca and her siblings, and Francesca leaves Hayley (and her baby) to Genevieve. As Francesca goes downstairs to activate the werewolf curse (by killing a human) and slaughter the vampires that Elijah has knocked out, Genevieve takes Hayley to the church. Hayley is in labor and realizes what’s going on, but it’s too late – Crazy Bitch Monique and Genevieve are holding her down and getting ready to kill the kid she pops out.

And Davina is still being haunted by Mikael, who is encouraging her to bring him back.

Oh, shit.

I want to be the girl with the most cake. And by "cake" I mean "hot suitors."

The Original Mythology

- The stone for the moonlight rings is black kyanite. I’m a gem junkie, so I googled it, having only seen blue kyanite before. It’s pretty cool-looking, and is nicknamed “the revival stone.” Interesting choice, writers!
- Genevieve linked the spell to Klaus’ blood, so that every time the werewolves don’t change during the full moon, they draw from his power.

The Original Body Count

- I’m not sure how many of the vampires were dead and how many were sure to die from the werewolf bites, but it was quite a few.

The Original WTF

- Not so much a WTF as a marvel at how completely I love Josh now. I was neutral on him for awhile, but much like Davina, he has totally won me over.
- Why didn’t anyone question why Francesca magically had the stone that was supposed to be so rare?

The Original Joseph Morgan Award for Tortured Hot People

I find Klaus’ “I did not intend to present you with a problem until I found an appropriate solution” to be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard. Granted, I’m Type A and fresh off  some “Jennie?! The toilet is overflowing” drama from yesterday, but I like a problem-solver.

For the saner among us, let’s give it up for the Elijah/Hayley kiss, you guys!

Next episode: SEASON FINALE. The baby will be born!

What did you think? Do you think the baby will really be a girl? Will they kill the baby?

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