Important things first...the FYA Summer Showdown has begun! If you still want to play, the Free Agents team is accepting new members. So, what are you waiting for? Eh hem. Anyway, today is another news heavy week, including some articles and videos I have been genuinly flipping out over. So let’s take a look, shall we?
Book Related Things
So last week’s terrible Slate article (the click-bait heard 'round the internet) has inspired some great responses. But YA author Kathleen Hale pretty much wins the prize for everyone’s favorite rebuttal.
Plus even more YA think pieces, like why TFIOS is not YA’s savior, dudes who read YA and FYA in the news.
This years Banned Books Week will focus on comics. (Which, as we know, have been getting a lot of negative attention this year.)
Speaking of banned books, don’t try to remove a Cory Doctorow book from your reading list. He’s on the internet. He will know.
June is LGBT Pride Month and here are 10 lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer YA authors you should get to know!
Amazing compilation of different countries’ Harry Potter covers. Plus, fan made minimalist book covers.
Mindy Kaling is writing another book! Funny ladies - keep on writing!
Movie Related Things
This oral history of The Mighty Ducks is basically the greatest article in the history of journalism. I don’t even think I’m being facetious. I mean, they even got Michael Eisner for the interview.
Plus, a Mighty Ducks 4 movie is a very real possibility. Basically everyone who matters is on board.
The financial success of TFIOS has lead to a lot of media attention. (And then there is one Vulture writer, who can’t get over how weird he thinks Augustus Waters is.)
5 other upcoming contemporary YA movie adaptations. Plus, YA authors talk about their favorite book to movie adaptations.
Buzzfeed gives their definitive ranking of teen movie romances, and HOLY EMOTIONAL ABUSE BATMAN. Those are some unhealthy picks. I mean, Cruel Intentions as number one? Yikes.
More Insurgent casting news, including Ollie as Uriah!
And more casting news for The DUFF, including Allison Janney.
We Were Liars has already been optioned for film.
Kristen Wiig will be directing her first movie.
A Sonic The Hedgehog feature film? What decade am I living in?
The Padding Bear movie has a trailer. Sure, why not.
TV Related Things
The Legend of Korra Book 3 trailer is out and I am dead. You must watch it.
There is SO MUCH going on in that trailer, but themost important...WE ARE GOING TO SEE FIRE LORD ZUKO. See even more clips from this fan made trailer, compiled from leaked episodes.
Somehow last week, I missed the Sailor Moon Crystal trailer. Unacceptable!
There are rumors that Netflix wants to make a new Star Trek series. PLEASE, PLEASE happen. Although, things that are for sure happening with Netflix...a Magic School Bus reboot.
The first promo poster for CW’s iZombie is out. Rob Thomas, I will watch anything you do.
The most popular TV shows, according to tweets.
Sutton Foster is starring in a new series, with a ridiculous plot, but still. Sutton Foster and Hilary Duff. What more do you want?
Lion King is getting a TV spin-off? That’s...interesting.
Vulture finds the interesting and odd with this year’s Emmy ballots.
Miscellaneous Things
Shailene Woodley, who doesn’t know what feminism is, actually said some insightful things on gender politics in entertainment. So of course she was booed and they were cut from her interview.
Sir Mix-A-Lot and the Seattle Symphony orchestra, people.
The guest line up at Leakycon is pretty freaking fabulous. Someone buy me a ticket to Florida!
That’s all from me for this week. What are your favorite news items? Let us know in the comments below, or we can just talk about Zuko. Your call.