YOU GUYYYYYYS. Isla and the Happily Ever After is almost here! OK, by 'almost', I mean in forty-three days. BUT WHO'S COUNTING?
This is a title I've been looking forward to FOR AGES, and I know some of y'all feel the same! Which is why I'm super stoked to announce that FYA is participating in the #ReadISLA campaign! Because together, we can make it through these last weeks of ZOMG NEED ISLA NOWWWW.
If you plan on snagging a copy of Isla of your very own anyway, be sure to check out the preorder campaign with fifty-five indie bookstores! 'Cause THERE WILL BE SWAG.
• A signed copy (hardcover, first edition, published by Dutton)
• A bundle of fun Anna/Lola/Isla-related decals
• A bundle of three buttons
Photo credit: Stephanie Perkins
Plus! Each store will be giving away twenty-five Anna/Lola/Isla tote bags! (Cat not included.)
Photo credit: Stephanie Perkins
So are y'all looking forward to #ReadISLA as much as I am? Geek out over Isla with me on the FYA Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr!