Welcome back to the YA Movie News Roundup, where we're all about hooking you guys up. Because we love you.
To that end, we're excited to announce that those of you who just can't wait to see The Giver don't have to - Fathom Events is showing the film and red carpet experience four days early in select cities. Read more about it here, and watch the video below!
And here's a OneRepublic music video with lots of new footage from The Giver:
In case you missed Posh's hilarious write-up, you can see the latest Mockingjay Part One teaser below.
Katniss face-smeared Hermione. We're not sure why, either.
Gayle Forman confirmed that the band name in the film version of If I Stay has changed from Shooting Star to Willamette Stone. Better? And this is what they look like:
The Fifth Wave has a release date! It's January 29, 2016.
Behaving Badly looks less good than bad.
In not YA but relevant to our interests news: "Looking Back On Vanity Fair's Young Hollywood."
And here's a roundup of some literary Lego fun.
That's it for this week! Give us your thoughts downstairs.