While I was recently back home in GA, I had the pleasure of hanging out with some high school youngsters who are family friends. We chatted about Homecoming dresses and Spirit Week, you know, the usual YA stuff. They're actually attending my old school, but Spirit Week seems to be much different and a lot cooler now. Mainly because one of the days during Spirit Week is "Dress Up As Your Favorite Literary Character Day." Wha? That's awesome! Soooo many to choose from, so how do you even decide?!
Unfortunately, grown-ups don't have Spirit Week, but we do have a rather booze-filled holiday time called HALLOWEEN. Consequently, I thought it would be a perfect time to share some literary character options as costumes! Let's get our book nerd on!
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
I know, it's totally a children's book but how awesome would it be to see a drunk or sexy hungry caterpillar?!!
This can be purchased online but it's pretty pricey.
Get Crafty/Cheap:
Purchase some bright green sweats, like pants and a sweatshirt. Get some green, brown, red, and purple felt and string to make your mask and legs. Cut out the "legs" from the brown felt and attach them with hot glue to your sweatpants and sweatshirt. (Five on each side should be good.) Use the red felt to make your face mask and include green for the eyes. (Make them large circles but cut out smaller ones for your actual eyes.) With the purple felt create two antennas and you're good to go!
Get Sexy:
Replace the sweats with a green tutu, green tights, and a fitted tank top!
Inspiration: This isn't really good inspiration but this pic is awesome! I think this kid is actually too cool for this costume.
Atlas Shrugged
Want to be unique? Use this book as your inspiration, and you'll be the only one at the bar knocking people down with your globe. (Not coincidentally, I couldn't find anywhere to buy this costume online.)
Get Crafty/Cheap:
This costume is pretty easy for guys or girls. Wear some sort of toga or wrap. (Think Greek.) Guys, feel free to grow out your beards! The key to this costume is attaching a globe (create one with paper mache) near your shoulders. I would suggest using hot glue to attach the string to the globe and tying it around your neck. This hasn't been tested out, so it might choke you, but I think I'm at least on the right track, a.k.a. I AM NOT LIABLE FOR COSTUME INJURIES.
Get Sexy:
Make that toga tiny! A small white skirt and cut off top would look great. You can cut the skirt and top to make it a little more revealing. I mean, holding up the world is pretty tough, and clothes get ripped sometimes.
Inspiration: This guy looks awesome... but I'm a little concerned because I can't find his nipples?
The Last Unicorn
Unicorns are magical! Also, they're easy targets for inappropriate jokes. (Surprise, surprise, this costume can be totally be purchased online.)
Get Crafty/Cheap:
All you need is a white sweatsuit and some white yarn to glue on the back. For the horn, try paper mache and string to tie around your head. If you're not so great with the crafts, it might be better to purchase the horn.
Get Sexy:
Get outta those sweats and put on a slinky white dress and, as always, add a tutu. You still need to attach the yarn in the back for your mane. You can opt for some rainbow colors but people might think you're My Little Pony. AWKWARD!
Inspiration: Aren't you inspired? TO GO TO A RAVE?
Y'all, Halloween is my very most favorite holiday, so I take it very seriously. I am usually always something redheaded (cause we're awesome), and this year I will indeed be from a book. A comic book! I am going as Poison Ivy! She's been on the to-do list for a while, so watch out all you Batmans!
Now I wanna know what y'all will be wearing! Anything book related? Feel free to share in the comments, and yes, include pics! (I mean that in a non-pervy way, obvs.)