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C’mon and Get Social

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C’mon and Get Social

Some days, the world can be a dreary place. Your hair isn’t behaving, your boss is being horrible and you’ve—LE GASP—reached the end of the new posts here on FYA. Where do you turn when you need a snarky, silly and/or possibly shirtless pick-me-up?

Why, FYA’s various social media accounts, of course.

You might already have “liked” us* on Facebook and followed us on Twitter, but you can also check out our reads via Goodreads and check out our pins on Pinterest.

Additionally, we signed up for an Instagram earlier this year. Some of our ‘grams include:

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Image may be NSFW.
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And we’re in the process of reinvigorating our Tumblr, which features the likes of:

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And tags such as #shirtless news, #hot guys in suits, #hot guys with puppies and #hot neville.

(You’re welcome.)

Plus, you can even get social at Redbubble, because what’s more social than buying things off the Internet?

On a semi-serious note, as there are four of us who have access to these accounts, you might get a response some day featuring an initial or two. Although y’all are all EXTREMELY smart (and beautiful, natch) people, I’m sure you can figure it out on your own, but just in case:

P=Posh Deluxe
MW=Mandy Wan
MC=Mandy Curtis

Sometimes, there won’t be initials at all, because we like to keep you guessing. What can I say? A website’s gotta have her secrets.

So, click, tap, scroll or Siri** your way on over to join us. We’ll see you there!

*This term needs to change. It’s 2014, for goodness sake. Get on that, Zuckerberg.
**Yes, I just used Siri as a verb. You saw it here first!

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