Well, we survived this crappy week, so there is an abundance of fluffy quizzes and cute things in this roundup.
Book Related Things
MAC has a romance novel-inspired makeup line, released yesterday. JUST TAKE MY MONEY.
Gillian Anderson has written a novel!
Holly Black on diversity in YA and why big authors merely writing more diverse books is not the answer.
NSFW: Shipwreck, the erotic badfic competition in San Francisco and occasionally New York, is currently posting The Giver fics from last week's competition. "Jonas' Parents" is particularly delightful (in that twisted way Shipwreck tends to be.) Again: NOT. SAFE. FOR. WORK. (But hilarious.)
Want some ambient Harry Potter background noise? This is pretty awesome.
Movie Related Things
Lifetime is making a Brittany Murphy movie.
The director of Gone Girl clears up the ending. Or not.
Make your own dancing Groot!
More Groot.
First Lifetime Saved By the Bell movie footage.
TV Related Things
Outlander has already been renewed for a second season.
You probably want more Outlander facts.
But mostly, you want this ridiculous Outlander merch.
The Twin Peaks intro gets an 8-bit de-make.
Veronica Mars is coming back for a web series.
Miscellaneous Things
What kind of unicorn are you?
Joseph Gordon Levitt is a feminist, also my newest boyfriend (congrats JGL, welcome to the crew! Grab some champagne, nevermind that it's 8am as I write this).
Andrew Keegan has started a cult religion.
Here is Idris Elba in a tight sweater. Oh, to be that sweater.
"Neckbeard" and "mansplaining" are now in the dictionary.
All the Step Up dances, ranked.
Jane Fonda and...a Ryan Gosling chair? The obvious joke is too painfully obvious (and kind of disturbing).
What character would you play in a Disney movie? (I got Sassy Sidekick but I covet Mandy W.'s result of The Villain. Grrr.)
Would you have survived the Battle of Hogwarts?
This week has sucked. Have some cute animal photos.
Did I miss anything? I cordially invite you to post cute gifs in the comments, because I think we all need a virtual hug.