Photo credit: Levin Rodriguez
Welcome to beautiful Detroit -- home of the Detroit FYA Book Club! Susan is here today to tell us a little more about the club; take it away, Susan!
A few odd years ago, I had started reading blogs online of authors that I loved. I was following Meg Cabot when her blog posted a review of one of her books on another site called Forever Young Adult. “What is this?” I thought, so I had to check it out. I spend a good few hours on this site the first time I found it. When, a few months later, they said that they wanted to start a book club, I had already grown to love the website and jumped at the chance to start one of these book clubs here in Michigan. I remember being super-nervous to be the leader of this new group. What if no one came?
I am so happy to say that two other girls did come that first day, and we have grown over the years since that first meeting. We still meet monthly and now also regularly see YA movies as a club. We have also attended meetings at museums in metro Detroit, bookstores, and arcades; some examples being The Detroit Institute of Arts, Marvin’s Marvelous Mechanical Museum, Ford House and the Detroit Zoo. We have also had fun attending author events (Meg Cabot!!!!) and having others to geek out about books that are coming out. The girls of the Detroit FYA Book Club also got to experience me dating and marrying my husband!
Detroit FYABC at Susan's wedding!
TFIOS outing!
The Detroit Book Club should more accurately be called the Metro Detroit Book Club, since none of us actually live in the city, but in the surrounding areas. We all live about an hour from each other in different directions, so it is occasionally a challenge to find somewhere to meet. But we have formed a bond that has surpassed being just a club. We all are good friends now and are there for each other in good times and bad. We are always welcoming new members and trying to find new and exciting things to do around the Metro area. We all consider ourselves lucky to have found FYA and this club that has brought us together.
Thanks for stopping by, Susan and Detroit FYABC! You can them on Facebook or Goodreads, or just show up at their next meeting!
Want to join an FYA Book Club? We've got locations worldwide! Don't have one near you? Grab a cocktail, send us an email, and start one today!