BOOK REPORT for Echoes of Us (The Hybrid Chronicles #3) by Kat Zhang
Cover Story: Fine, Big Face
BFF Charm: Yay Times Two
Swoonworthy Scale: 3
Talky Talk: Internal Monologue
Bonus Factor: Awesome Dedication
Anti-Bonus Factor: Institutions
Relationship Status: Made It Through
Danger, Will Robinson! Echoes of Us is the third and final book in the Hybrid Chronicles. If you have not read the previous books in the series—What’s Left of Me and Once We Were—turn away now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. If you have read the first two books, however, feel free to continue below. I will refrain from major spoilers in my review, but there might be hints at plot points and details about the story.
Cover Story: Fine, Big Face
You have plagued this series for three books now, Big Face. I tried to make you into something you’re not with my review of the second, but I can’t deny it any longer. Particularly when you’re looking at me with that smirk. I HOPE YOU’RE HAPPY.
To be honest, however, put the series together and the covers are all very pretty, with the soft focus and the soothing colors, and a bit powerful, with the emphasis on the me, we and us. Even with Big Face. Way to think ahead, cover designer.
The Deal:
Eva and Addie have been through a lot in their nearly 16 years. As a hybrid—two souls living into the same body—they’ve been persecuted, institutionalized and hunted, for no real reason other than that people are frightened of what they are.
After escaping from a prison disguised as a hospital, Eva and Addie almost unknowingly became part of a revolution, one that took a darker turn than they were comfortable with. Now, the girls—along with their hybrid friends and sympathizers—are on the run, trying to stay safe. When a reporter contacts the group with a plan to save a friend and promote their cause, Eva and Addie are hesitant. But sometimes the only way out of a situation is to go deeper and trust there will be a way out on the other side.
BFF Charm: Yay Times Two
Eva and Addie continue to be strong, likeable characters. They’re selfless—Eva a little more so than Addie—and dedicated to helping their friends and others like them. They’re a little reckless at times—again, Eva more than Addie—but it’s all in the name of “what’s right,” or, at least, what they think is right at the time. It’s funny, but having read and gotten to know their POVs over three books, I’d have a much easier time being friends with Eva than Addie. Which would be hard, considering they love in the same body. It’s not like I could just be acquaintances with one of them.
Swoonworthy Scale: 3
Sadly, there’s very little time in Echoes of Us for Eva or Addie to have time alone with their respective love interests.
Talky Talk: Internal Monologue
It’s unsurprising that a novel about two young women who share the same body would largely be filled with internal dialogue and thoughts. For most of the series, Addie’s been largely in control of their body, but Eva’s been the main character. And it’s a true testament of how well these books are written that Kat Zhang can make you believe that although the two share a body, their minds are completely separate. In Echoes of Us, the balance of power shifts slightly because [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS], and it’s really fantastic how well Zhang can make a reader feel that change.
Bonus Factor: Awesome Dedication
I’ve had the opportunity to interview Zhang, and “speak” with her via email. I will freely admit to being a bit jealous of how talented she is, at such a young age—she wrote The Hybrid Chronicles while she was in high school/college—but I can’t help but like her, particularly when she includes stuff like this in her books:
To the readers who sneak books under desks and stay up long after dark. Our lives are all stories, in the end.
She gets it, you guys.
Anti-Bonus Factor: Institutions
The experience Eva and Addie had at Nornand Clinic was like a trip to the spa when it’s compared with the institution they “visit” in Echoes of Us. The one in this book was like something out of a PG-rated Eli Roth film.
Casting Call:
Erin made a good choice for Eva/Addie in her review of What’s Left of Me, and I made choices for Ryan/Devon and Hally/Lissa in my review of Once We Were that I’m going to stick with. I’ll add:
Eric Christian Olsen as Jackson
Djimon Hounsou as Henri
Lucy Lawless as Dr. Lyanne
Relationship Status: Made it Through
It’s been a rough ride, Book. Not so much for me, the reader, but definitely for your characters. I’ve really enjoyed seeing them grow and change and survive the crap they’ve had to deal with. I wish them all the best, and I’ll remember them them fondly in the future.
FTC Full Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from Harper. I received neither a private dance party with Tom Hiddleston nor money in exchange for this review. Echoes of Us is available now.