Hey gang! It’s been a while since our last edition of Trailer Party, our occasional feature in which we check out trailers for some upcoming movies—only sometimes YA-related—and then determine whether we should give up any of our precious reading time to go see them in theaters.
So what’s opening in the coming months?
Release Date: Feb. 6
In Order of Appearance: Amar Ramasar, Tiler Peck, Justin Peck, other members of the New York City Ballet
Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: That moment when the score kicks in, and the action ramps up.
Bonus Factor: Dance. We here at FYA HQ can’t resist a good dance movie and/or TV show. Plus, this movie is a documentary, so we’ll get to see the real-life drama that goes into the production of an actual ballet.
Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater. It might be more like watching a live ballet if you get to see it on a big screen.
Release Date: Feb. 13
In Order of Appearance: Anna Kendrick, Jeremy Jordan, Meg Hudson
Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: Anna’s “I’ve never been more attracted to you” line. Girl certainly knows how to bring the sass.
Bonus Factor: Anna Kendrick singing. Yet another thing we here at FYA HQ can’t get enough of.
Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Netflix. As much fun as the majority of this movie looks to be, the opening of the trailer promises it won’t be without its share of heartbreak.
Release Date: Feb. 13
In Order of Appearance: Taron Egerton, Colin Firth, Mark Hamill, Michael Caine, Mark Strong, Sophie Cookson, Samuel L. Jackson
Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: “Manners maketh the man.” SA-WOON, Badass Colin Firth. Sa-woon.
Bonus Factor: Among many other things—I mean, this movie looks awesome—Matthew Vaughn is the director, and the man knows how to make a great comic adaptation. (He also directed Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class.)
Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater. This is definitely the sort of movie that’s better seen on a big screen. The action sequences, the car chases, the explosions. You’ll need a seriously good surround sound to get the full effect.
Release Date: Feb. 26
In Order of Appearance: Jennifer Lawrence, Bradley Cooper, David Dencik, Rhys Ifans, Ana Ularu, Toby Jones
Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: Jennifer slamming the axe into the tree and telling the menfolk what for.
Bonus Factor: Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence together again. You cannot deny that the two have amazing on-screen chemistry.
Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Netflix. I’m sure this movie will be really great, but I’m not sure it’s something I need to see in theaters.
Release Date: Feb. 27
In Order of Appearance: Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Adrian Martinez, Brennan Brown, Gerald McRaney, Rodrigo Santoro, BD Wong
Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: The second during which Will Smith walks out onto that balcony shirtless. What?
Bonus Factor: Con men (and women). The stories of how they pull off cons never fails to intrigue me.
Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Netflix. This heist flick doesn’t look to be as engaging as, say, Ocean’s Eleven, but I am glad to see Will Smith back in a leading man role.
Release Date: March 27
In Order of Appearance: Alan Rickman, Kate Winslet, Matthias Schoenaerts, Steven Waddington, Stanley Tucci, Helen McCrory
Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: Alan Rickman in that wig. Stanley Tucci being hoisted up the stairs. You can’t make me choose!
Bonus Factor: The sets! The costumes! This movie looks like a feast for the eyes. Plus: Kate Winslet is always stunning, but there’s something about her presence in a period film that just grabs at the heart.
Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater. This movie looks to be perfect for a night out with your favorite other Lady Nerds.
So party people? What are your thoughts on these selections? Are there any other spring movies you’re looking forward to? Share your thoughts or other trailers in the comments!