If you've read any of our The 100 recaps, then you know that we've spent the last year calling ALL ABOARD for the USS Bellarke. Bellamy and Clarke have a smokin' hot enemistry that has slowly, painfully, deliciously evolved into a mutual respect... and a simmering volcano of desire. (YEAH I SAID IT.)
While I commend the writers for not jumping the (Bell)shark(e), us shippers need an outlet for all of these pent-up feels, so obviously, we must turn to the internet. And because I love y'all, I have pored over hundreds of YouTube videos and handpicked one masterpiece that will meet all of your swoonin' needs.
(Just... set aside any rules you might have about spelling and grammar.)
Quality: Medium-High
For a fan montage, this video is pretty dang slick. The footage is in HD, the proportions are right (none of that stretched nonsense), and the audio is clear. Sure, everyone is bathed in a soft filter normally reserved for Glamour Shots, but I don't mind seeing those faces look a little less dirty.
The only reason I had to take the score down a notch is because those captions feature some atrocious spelling. And "teached"? REALLY? I'm going to pray assume that the person who made this does not speak English as a first language.
Expertise Level: Dr. Professional
FIFTY REASONS BISH. That's a lot of reasons! And while some of them are a bit of a stretch, this video painstakingly documents, like, EVERY moment between Clake and Bellamy thus far. You've got the big ones, like the hug and Bellamy worrying over Clarke, but you've also got hands touching and all manner of glances, from side to piercing. Dominil13 has not missed a THANG.
It's refreshing to hear a non-pop song! Most fan montages feature Evanescence or some shizz, and I love that Dominil13 chose a more score-like soundtrack to accompany this Bellarke worship. It adds an intensity to the clips, a sweeping grandeur that has me using the word "grandeur" in a post about a fan-made video based on a CW show.
Swimfan Satisfaction (scale of 1-10): 9
The only way this video could be more binge-worthy is if 1) the captions were written correctly 2) there was a scene of Clarke and Bellamy kissing. And since the latter hasn't happened yet, I consider this montage to be a juicy nugget of shipping goodness.
Honorable Mention goes to...
This video, which catalogs every look that Bellamy gives Clarke. Because that shizz needs to be DOCUMENTED.
And this video, which features some excellent editing, i.e. repeating frames of Bellamy and Clarke's hands touching:
Bonus! FYA reader KristIn posted this video last week, and it's SO ADORABLE AND FUNNY. Also, is there a training process to become an Uno Gangster because I AM READY.
So, fellow Sky People, did I miss any remarkable works of The 100 swimfannery? Hit me up in the comments with your scholarly critiques and YouTube findings!
Oh, and did I mention we have Bellarke shirts in the FYA store? Because we're here to meet your swimfan needs.