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The 100 2x12: Rubicon

The 100 2x12: Rubicon

Previously on The 100, Maya frees Bellamy from being a blood bag so he can infiltrate Mt. Weather, Cage imprisons his father and overturns his order to release the Sky teens, and Clarke tells Abby who's really in charge.

I know the world is currently freaking out about Fifty Shades of Grey, but that shizz ain't got nothing on The 100. This show has, like, A THOUSAND shades of grey. There is so much ethical ambiguity and Sophie's Choices and blurred lines and crossed lines and I CAN NO LONGER DISTINGUISH RIGHT FROM WRONG. I mean, except for the wrongness of A.J. Cage and the rightness of Bellarke.

And this week, the show threw my moral compass in a washing machine, then hit the heavy duty spin cycle.

So let's get to it:

Mt. Weather:

The guard (Emerson) that Clarke sent off with the "secret army" info and six hours of oxygen makes it back, but barely. Fortunately for him, Cage is outside -- and in a suit suit, not a containment suit-- so he hooks him up with oxygen. Cage surveys the land and says, "The ground is ours... the ground is ours." Spoken like a true white male!

Inside, Lady Doctor and a posse of guards enter the Ark teens' room, grab one of the kids and drag him away. He's blonde and bearded, and I've never seen him before. So yeah, he's gonna die. When Jasper demands an explanation, Doc Lady informs him that the president is no longer in command. But she assures the 48 47 that, "You're incredibly special to us." Oh bitch I cannot WAIT to see you die.

Camp Jaha:

Clarke, followed by a Grounder bodyguard, strides into engineering and asks Raven if she's heard from Bellamy. There's no word, but there is plenty of tension between these two gals. BOOO. Instead of focusing on Clarke's order to disable to acid fog, Raven wants to focus on the dam, because that's not dependent on Bellamy. Clarke starts freaking out, because she has to head to Tondc for a meeting with Lexa and leaders from all twelve Grounder clans, and she doesn't have a final plan to share with them. Raven softens and assures her that they'll be ready.

The radio crackles and IT'S BELLAMY!

He hasn't made headway on deactivating the fog, because now he has a new mission: find out where the Lady Doctor is taking his friends and figure out how to rescue them. Given the change in the plan, Clarke decides to send Kane in her place to the Tondc meeting. He suggests that Abby attend, since she's still Chancellor, and Clarke's all,

Abby, aghast that everyone is totally cool with her teenage daughter running this joint, shows Kane a classroom transparency note from Jaha, informing them that he left with twelve people in search of the City of Light and reminding me that Jaha still exists.

The Dead Zone:

Speak of the devil! Jaha leads a group of men through a desert that looks so dry, I immediately chugged the hard cider I was drinking. Malfoy, who obviously doesn't give a cuss about skin cancer because he's the only one without his face covered, follows close behind, his faith in Jaha apparently still strong. They stumble upon a Grounder woman, Emori, who was left for dead after she and her brother were attacked. Jaha instructs the men to give her water, but none of them want to share, except for Malfoy, who grabs the canteen and hands it to her. Um, I'm sensing some heat here, and it's not coming from that desert sun. Jaha invites her to come with them, and she agrees to join their party and guide them to the City of Light, but only if they will carry her cart. That seems... weird?

Malfoy and Emori begin talking and fall to the back of the group, so they can have some PRIVACY, oooOOooh. In a heart to heart about their past, Malfoy tells her, "I'm the bad guy," and then she's all, "Look, I have a crazy mutant hand," and Malfoy's like, "I think it's pretty badass," and this is the CUTEST meet-non-cute EVER. Like, I can totally picture Malfoy and Emori getting their own spin-off, but it's, like, a dystopian rom com.

But then the writers have to go and RUIN IT with an ambush by a dude holding a crazy missile launcher. Who, it turns out, is Emori's partner. She grabs Malfoy and puts a knife to his throat, then demands all of the group's supplies. LOOKS LIKE MY ROM COM GOT JUST GOT CANCELLED. Right before hitting him over the head, Emori whispers in Malfoy's ear, "Due north." Or at least, that's what he tells the group she whispered, and he's ready to follow her guidance. Moses Jaha is totally down, but only about half of the group decides to follow. After Jaha commends Malfoy for his faith, the latter replies, "Faith? Nah, I just got nothing better to do." Now there's the Malfoy we know!

Mt. Weather:

Bellamy, guided via radio by Raven and Clarke, is crawling through air vents when he hears the sound of a drill. OH SHIZZ we know what that means, and so does Clarke: bone marrow extraction! GROSS! Bellamy peers through the vent and spies that blonde, bearded Ark kid. Yep, he's dead. CALLED IT. Emerson the Guard is getting the "treatment," while Cage questions him about Clarke's information. He's not worried about the supposed Grounder army, because he's got a spy (Whitman) on the ground who recently informed him about a Grounder leadership summit. OH SNAP. And Cage is going to send a special ambassador to that meeting: A MISSILE. OH DOUBLE SNAP.

Bellamy, totally buggin', asks Clarke and Raven if they caught all that, and obviously they didn't because he's on a radio in a vent shaft and... oh, they did? They heard all of that? Damn, that's a sensitive microphone.

Camp Jaha:

Since there's no way to communicate with Kane and warn everyone about the missile, Clarke decides to race over to the meeting herself. Man, this is just like when I was in high school and we didn't have cell phones, so if I couldn't make it to the mall that day, there was no way to let my friends know. Clarke, I feel your pain.

Clarke also lies to Bellamy when he asks if Octavia is in Tondc. She is, but Clarke doesn't want Bells to be distracted from his mission. But HE'LL BE DISTRACTED ABOUT YOU, CLARKE. Before she walks out the door, Raven hugs her (!!!!) and says "Don't get blown up." Operation BFF Claven is underway!

Mt. Weather:

The guards are back in the Ark teens' room, ready to take another kid. All hell breaks lose, and Jasper gets accosted by a guard... who turns out to be Bellamy! Jasper tells him to find President Wallace, in the hopes that he can help, and Bellamy gives him a gun, then punches him in the stomach. Because Bellamy knows how to SELL IT.

Under the guise of delivering dinner, Bellamy pays a visit to President Wallace, who sadly informs him that he can't help the kids escape. He can, however, buy them some time. Oh, THIS oughtta be good.


Octavia is still following Indra around, but she's too distracted by Lincoln's missing status to soak up any of Indra's hardass Grounder wisdom.

Clarke rushes into the village, and Octavia spots her, as does Whitman, hidden in the trees and scoping out the meeting. After pulling Lexa into an empty room, Clarke gives her the scoop on the missile and explains that they have to evacuate. But Lexa refuses, because if they leave, Mt. Weather will know they have an inside man, and that advantage is too valuable to lose. The only choice, she says, is for her and Clarke to slip away and let the missile come.


Clarke insists that this is the wrong choice, but Lexa only responds, "You showed true strength today. Don't let emotions stop you now." That girl is STONE COLD. She leaves... and Clarke follows.


Out in the woods, Octavia discovers Lincoln snacking on a Grounder, who moments before had been serving guard duty with Octavia. Lincoln, tearful and quivering like a junkie, admits that he just can't fight the urges anymore, so Octavia SMACKS HIM UPSIDE THE HEAD and says, in Grounder speak, "Get knocked down, get back up." LIKE A BOSS. Although now I have Chumbawamba in my head, so thanks for that, O.

As Lexa leads her away from the village, Clarke is still desperate for other options. What if they find Whitman and take him out, so Mt. Weather won't know where to send the missile? What if-- OH SHIZZ there's Abby! Clarke spots her mom, runs back to the village and pleads with her to leave. Meanwhile, Indra has noticed that Clarke and Lexa are missing, so she and Kane decide to launch a search.

That's not the only thing being launched, because here comes that missile! And IT HITS THE VILLAGE. HOLY MOTHER. I can't believe it! Wait, haha, this is The 100 so I TOTALLY CAN. Clarke and Abby are thrown to the ground, but a few seconds after the explosion, they get up, apparently unharmed. When Abby realizes that her daughter knew about the missile and didn't evacuate the village, she goes apeshit and tells Clarke that she crossed the line. "Their blood is on your hands," she says, then warns Clarke that she'll never be able to wash it off. Abby, I hate to break it to you, but NO ONE can wash ANYTHING off in this place.

Mt. Weather:

The guards are back to take another teen, so Jasper shoots one of the soldiers-- right in his bullet proof vest. Dammit! Lady Doctor wises up and selects Jasper as her next victim, but before she and the guards can get him in the elevator, their skin starts burning! Because there's a radiation leak! Because Bellamy!!! (Who, by the way, knows that Clarke lied to him about Octavia. Thanks, Raven!) While the doctor and her guards writhe in agony, Jasper frees the Ark group then comes back just in time to stick a bat in the closing elevator door to prevent Lady Doctor's escape. As she lies on the floor, begging for mercy, Jasper smiles and repeats her earlier words, "I hope you know that you're incredibly special to us."


Daaaaaaamn! That was LITERALLY a sick burn.

Cage, furious about the radiation leak and certain that the Pres is somehow responsible, bursts into the cell and informs his father that he fired the missile. Wallace, incredibly upset, yells, "And it only cost you your souls!" and I can't help but wonder if this statement applies to a certain two survivors in Tondc. Then, in a deliciously villainous move, Cage forces his dad to be injected with the Ark bone marrow, so he can walk freely outside.

What's Left of Tondc:

OH THANK GOD OCTAVIA AND LINCOLN ARE ALIVE. But, based on this flaming wreckage, it looks like most people were not so lucky.

Mt. Weather Grounder 101:

There are twelve Grounder clans, and one of them is known as The Ice Nation. Please tell me that citizens of this nation are referred to as Icees.

Death Toll: A SHIZZ TON

- 2 (?) Ark teens

- 11 Mt. Weather guards

- 1 Lady Doctor

- A crater-ful of Grounders

Say What:

Clarke, when Bellamy finally checks in over the radio:

"Bellamy, you're late. Every three hours means every three hours."

"Are you through?"

Enemistry, ladies and gentlemen!

Malfoy, when a dude tries to stop him for handing the canteen to Emori:

"Touch me again, and I'll end you... in a non-criminal way."

That's it, I've 100% forgiven this dude.

Bellamy to Clarke, before she leaves for Tondc:

"Okay, be safe too."

"I will."

Look, us shippers gotta take what we can get, okay?

Burning Questions:

- This is the big one, obviously: did Clarke have a choice? Was there another, better option?

- Did her decision to leave Tondc to certain destruction totally change your opinion of Clarke? Is she still a badass leader, or a terrible one? All I know is, the writers were NOT messing around when they titled this episode.

- And was Lexa right in thinking that protecting Bellamy was worth the deaths of so many Grounders? (That's a rhetorical question, because Bellamy.)

- Did anyone else notice how Jaha keeps calling Malfoy by his first name (John)? Feels like a transformative device for that character. Which begs another question: Do we have to stop calling Malfoy Malfoy?

- How in the HELL is Clarke going to explain herself to Raven and Bellamy, who both know that she went to Tondc to warn everyone about the missile?! I fear that this throws a HUGE wrench in our Bellarke shipping, you guys. I mean, she LEFT BELLAMY'S SISTER TO DIE. That... won't go over well.

- What kind of a doctor doesn't take her own cure?!!!!!!! I mean, you can't tell me that bitch was selfless and wanted everyone else to have it first.

GAH, we have SO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT. Get your asses to the comment section, Sky People.

Shameless Self-Promotion: You know we've got #Bellarke shirts, right?

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