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Happy Thanksgiving, fellow residents of the United States! And happy Thursday to the rest of the world! I've got my turkey in the oven, the Macy's Parade is on the television, I've already had my first cry over a commercial, and now I'm just sitting here thinking about all of the things I'm thankful for! Like the above picture Posh painstakingly created! Why yes! I AM thankful for the Salvatore brothers! And champ cans, and each of those books, and Jacob's abs!
Most importantly, we here at FYA headquarters are thankful for all of the wonderful authors who enrich our daily lives with their words, fellow bloggers who share our love of all things YA, and YOU, our readers. Without you, this whole site would just be us sitting around drinking champ cans and arguing who's hotter: Marcus Flutie or every other boy in YA history. Haha, just kidding, Marcus Flutie wins, OBVS!
Anyhoo, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for making Forever Young Adult the site that it is!