I'm pleased to report that the second episode of iZombie was even more fun than the first! While I haven't crossed the line into full-on addiction, I'm certainly getting invested in these crazy kids with their one-liners. (So much so that I added a new category.)
So let's dig in!
The Brain
Local artist Javier is found dead via a paintbrush to the eye. (I see what you did there, show!) His wife Lola is devastated, along with his manager and his harem of mistresses.
The Real Monster
Given a long list of lovers who are not Lola, there's a string of suspects, but when Liv catches a brain glimpse of Becca, the pregnant teenage daughter of Javier's manager, she knows that Clive is right - it's always the wife! Lola ain't seeing any of that posthumous art money.
Gifts from Beyond
- Sexuality! Liv gets real touchy and real feely, to the point where she compares a woman's beauty to, "watching a flower bloom."
- Drawing and painting! Liv gets her Bob Ross on while listening to Chet Baker. Bonus: new wall art!
Life of the Dead
- Major brings back Liv's stuff and mentions the stockpile of engagement presents (ouch). Liv gets all weird, but thanks to the influence of Javier's brain, she eventually heads over to Major's house and confesses that she wants to be close to him again. He freaks (rightfully so) and kicks her out.
- Blaine Sark shows up (!!!), which means that Liv is not the only zombie in town. It's nice that she finally has someone to talk with about important stuff, like the proper term for "hulking out" (it's "full on zombie mode"). That's cute and all, but it looks like Sark might be a bad guy, based on the fact that he hits on an older lady at a bar and, via a one-night-stand, turns her so he can blackmail her for brains. Oh yeah, and then he kills two drug dealer goons in car, which, let's be honest, is pretty freaking awesome.
Words With a Bite
"Who doesn't love a vibrant abstract nude?" - Ravi
"Wow, you're really a flip to the last page of the book type guy, huh?" - Liv to Clive
"Not Zooey Deschanel in 2-B took my parking spot again." - Peyton
"What's more meta than a zombie having a bad zombie dream?" - Liv
"You gave me 50 shades of psychic and no details." - Clive
"I have no idea where you got this, but it's totally my new profile pic." - Sark
"You really nailed the historic chin, bravo!" - Ravi
"Missed you at the zombie social last night. We were all there, cracking wise, singing some karaoke. I went with 'Tears of a Clown,' because that's kind of where I am right now." - Sark
"I hang out at the dog-friendly internet cafe on Queen Anne - Muttbowl Surfers. I'll be there all afternoon, just writing my screenplay, live-tweeting its progress." - Sark
"You're the trend-spotter, I should ask you. Zombies, I heard we're finito. Is that true? Has oversaturation buried us? I don't know, I think we're gonna surprise some people. I mean, what did LL Cool J say, don't call it a comeback, right?" - Sark
"How about we go grab a drink with the others, and you can tell me about how I objectified you?" - Liv
Eating Smart
- Microwave pizza roll with brains and a dash of Tabasco.
- Breakfast taco with scrambled egg 'n' brain. (You can tell Rob Thomas is from Austin.)
So, did your brain like this episode? Do you think Sark and Liv have enemistry, or is that just my Alias fandom talking? Let's convo in the comments!