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iZombie 1x7: Maternity Liv

iZombie 1x7: Maternity Liv

Previously on iZombie: Major did his own detective work, trying to find the missing Jerome, and learned about the Candyman. Liv and Ravi found out Zombie!Sark is probably even worse than they suspected.

No Zombie!Sark this week! Sadly, we'll have to make do with the other hot, and potentially morally ambiguous, dudes on this show.

The Brain

Emily Sparrow, a pregnant girl who went missing for eight months, is found dead in the forest. The baby survives, and Emily's parents point the finger at the deadbeat baby daddy, Dylan.

The Real Monster

Margo and Mark Shepherd, the animal control employee and her husband were trying to form their own sister-wives cult, kidnapped Emily and held her hostage, along with two other women. Emily managed to escape right before she died. We later learn the remains of a dozen missing teenagers were found on the Shepherds’ property.

Gifts from Beyond

Pregnancy brain comes with a fierce maternal instinct. Liv has the urge to keep Ravi from sharp scalpels and make sure he's had his lunch. The brain also keeps pulling her back to the hospital to visit Emily’s baby. All the worrying over a child she knows wouldn’t appreciate it, at least sends her to visit her own neglected mother. Emily’s brain gives her an appreciation for her family and the desire to be a better daughter and sister.

Life of the Dead

- Major teams up with a reporter from the Seattle Observer to track down the Candyman, since Clive is too busy with the Emily Sparrow case to look into it. Once the reporter quotes Clive for her story about the police ignoring the murders, he’s demoted to paperwork, and pissed that Liv ever introduced him to Major.

- Ravi and Lowell bond over English soccer teams, or are speaking a foreign language to each other. It's hard to tell.

- Clive and Lieutenant Suzuki take a SWAT team in to rescue the girls being held by the Shepherds. When Suzuki gets shot in the leg, he goes full zombie mode, using a REFRIGERATOR DOOR as a shield. He corners Margo Shepherd and shoots her, while her hands are in the air, seemingly surrendering.

- Major tails the Candyman, and BREAKS INTO HIS CAR, while he’s in the tanning salon, and finds his tupperware lunch full of brain. When the cops show up and arrest Major for breaking into a car, Major tries to sic them on the Candyman. But Julian, the Candyman, pulls the Meat Cute card, literally, and convinces them it’s calf brain, for his work. Then he winks at Major. Which? Could you blame him?

- After Liv and Lowell’s sparky kiss last week, he’s suddenly friendzoning her. On their movie date, he just wants to go off about Zombieland. But it turns out, he’s not into making out with her, because he’s gay - at least until he eats his next brain. They spend the rest of their date laughing and dancing and being adorable.

- Liv and her mom encourage Evan to get a part time job. Based on last week, I don’t like where this is headed.

Words With a Bite

"Liv, you’re rocking a rat.." - Ravi

"I’m five seconds away from naming it, and making it a grilled cheese." - Liv

"Why do I have the sudden urge to dump tea into a harbor?" - Liv

“Things were great with us last week. Like, buy-new-underwear-great.” - Liv

"I can’t give you the girlfriend experience." - Ravi

"I don’t think that means what you think it means." - Liv

“Yeah, back in the hard-scrabble year of aught 4. All those CD-ROMs that needed burning.” - Evan

“I didn’t really get it until I saw a magazine with Idris Elba on the cover, and the phrase ‘big piece of yum’ popped into my head.” - Lowell

“My plan is to score some ludicrously straight brain. I may take out Wilt Chamberlain.” - Lowell

“Look, Beetlejuice. I didn’t call your name three times.” - Dylan

Eating Smart

Liv’s “zombie gentleman caller” arrives at the lab, apparently drinking a smoothie made of scientist brains, as he’s very into Ravi’s experiments.

Picking Your Brain

I liked that this week’s brain didn’t just give Liv some special skills or knowledge that would wear off later, but actually gave her insight into what it feels like to be a mother, and a greater appreciation for her own.

Major still looks adorable, even in county lock-up, with some angry looking bikers. Are you a Major hater? To the left!

Suzuki and Liv exchanged a very significant look after the SWAT shootout. Do we think he pegged her as a zombie? Did she catch on to him? Why can't they smell each other like vampires or werewolves?

Oy, with the scary giant cannibal rat. I might have zoned out during Ravi’s science lecture, so WTF was that?!

Liv and not-quite straight Lowell: Cutest Couple EVER? Discuss.

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