In honor of the upcoming release of her new novel, Carrie Ryan stopped by FYA HQ for a chat -- and she didn't come empty-handed! We've got a copy of her new book, so check out the synopsis and our interview below, then leave a comment with your favorite revenge story (film, TV or book) for a chance to win! (U.S. residents only, y'all.)
Daughter of Deep Silence begins in the wake of the sinking of luxury yacht Persephone. Just three souls remain to tell its story—and two of them are lying. Only Frances Mace, rescued from the ocean after torturous days adrift with her dying friend Libby, knows that the Persephone wasn’t sunk by a rogue wave as survivors Senator Wells and his son are claiming—it was attacked. To ensure her safety from the powerful Wells family, Libby’s father helps newly orphaned Frances assume Libby’s identity. After years of careful plotting, Frances is ready to set her revenge plans into motion—even if it means taking down the man she’d once been in love with: the senator’s son. The game has just begun, and Frances is not only playing dirty, she's playing to win.
There's a lot of twists and turns in Daughter of Deep Silence. Did you draft a detailed outline before writing or add layers as you went along? And what do you think is the key to keeping readers guessing?
Thanks! I like to think that the key to keeping the reader guessing is that I was guessing the whole time as well – lol! I didn’t have an outline at all – I knew the general story, and I knew most of Frances’s plan, but the rest I figured out as I was writing it. Which definitely led to some tense moments when I called my critique partners in a panic trying to weave together some of the hanging threads.
When crafting the character of Frances Mace, whose thirst for vengeance drives the story, how important (or not) was it to make her a sympathetic heroine?
The phrase I kept coming back to while writing was, “make the reader care, then make them complicit.” I really wanted to put the reader in the uncomfortable position of wondering whether Frances was going too far, and yet still being totally on board with everything she did. So my goal was to make Frances sympathetic so the reader would want revenge as much as she did.
"Make the reader care, then make them complicit." Damn, that's good.
Revenge is obviously a prominent theme in this book. What are some of your favorite fictional revenge stories in literature, film or television?
There’s something so delicious about a well crafted, intricate revenge plan! I love how twisty they are! The story that really got the ball rolling for me on Daughter of Deep Silence was The Count of Monte Cristo. I’d read it in high school, but then a few years ago my husband was learning French so we watched the Gerard Depardieu version of the movie. Which led me to the Jim Caviezel version. Which led me to the TV shows Arrow and Revenge (it’s pretty amazing how perfectly Revenge tracks the The Count of Monte Cristo). I got really wrapped up in the idea of revenge taking over your life to the point that it becomes your entire identity. Plus, it was an excuse to watch Arrow and call it research . And of course another of my favorite revenge stories would have to be Stephen King’s Carrie – because of the character’s name, that book has always had a special place in my heart!
Well, I hope your prom turned out better than the other Carrie's prom.
Let's talk about the gorgeous cover! Were you involved at all in the design process?
I love the cover! I had absolutely no idea how they’d jacket this book. The original title for it was Turnabout, and I’d always envisioned it written in large block letters with the shadow of a girl running down the beach at night behind it. Which is one reason I leave the cover designing to the experts. So while I was able to give my opinion throughout the process, they pretty much nailed it and there wasn’t much for me to contribute! The final physical book is also pretty amazing – it’s very soft and pettable!
If your real life adolescence was a YA book ... What would you, the main character, be like?
Pretty much how Frances in Daughter of Deep Silence describes her old self: clumsily optimistic and a hopeless romantic.
Who is your secret crush?
The freckled redhead I never spoke to out of fear he’d figure out he was my secret crush.
Give it up for the gingers!
What is your number one source of angst?
Boys. Ugh, always the boys!
At what point would the reader pump his/her fist in victory?
When the school refused to start a girl’s soccer team so I played on the boy’s team.
And who would play you in the film adaptation?
Mae Whitman in all her DUFF finery.
Yass kween!
What is your secret power?
Sleep. I can do it anywhere. Anytime. And I love it.
What is your #1 favorite food?
At this very moment? Cheese. Last hour it was guacamole.
I commend you on both choices.
Tell me about your area of expertise.
I can see all the ways anything can go wrong. Very helpful for writing books. Not so helpful when trying to make decisions in life.
If you could assemble your own Ocean's 11 of fictional characters, who would you pick?
Honestly, I kind of feel like Hermione Granger could be her own one-woman Ocean’s 11 team. But just so she has some company, I’d add:
- Katniss Everdeen. Because she’s Katniss.
- Cassel Sharpe, from Holly Black’s Curse Workers series. He can run a con. Plus magic.
- Oliver McQueen from Arrow. Because abs.
- Bex from Ally Carter’s Gallagher Girls series. Smarts and loyalty.
- Shahrzad from Renee Ahdieh’s The Wrath and the Dawn. Because she’s stubborn and smart in all the best ways.
- Dumbledore. Because he seems like he gives good hugs and sage advice.
- Fat Amy from Pitch Perfect because laughter makes everything better.
- And then I’d hold open auditions for the others. Because that would be fun.
Re: Hermione, PREACH!
What is your best karaoke song?
Bohemian Rhapsody. With lots of backup singers.
Tell me something scandalous!
I totally know the twist in Ally Carter’s next book! I could tell you. But then I’d have to kill you, of course.
What is your favorite adult beverage?
Wine. Though I also enjoy a fun specialty cocktail; the more creative the better!
What book have you read the most number of times?
Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson. Though technically I’ve listened to it a million times, not read it. My father recorded himself reading it for my 8th birthday and I’d listen to it every night before bed. I pretty much had the entire book memorized!
Um, your dad sounds like the sweetest.
YA authors are so cool. Who would you give a BFF charm to?
All of them? Lame answer, I know, but seriously – all the YA authors I’ve met have been awesome! I’d never be able to choose! That’s honestly one of the best parts of writing YA – being part of such a great community.
Out of all of the characters you’ve written, which one do you most wish you could be?
Fin – the forgettable thief from The Map To Everywhere, the middle grade series I’m co-writing with my husband. That kid can literally get away with anything! Plus, he lives in a ship that sails a river of pure magic.
If you were invited to the FYA slumber party (and obvs, you ARE), what is the most crucial snack food and/or movie/or anything you'd bring?
Awww – thanks for the invite Back in the day, I’d have brought Dirty Dancing. But now, Pitch Perfect all the way. Throw in some diet coke, skittles and popcorn and it’s a party!
Thanks for stopping by FYA HQ, Carrie!
Stay tuned for our review of Daughter of Deep Silence.