Meredith is currently in San Diego for Comic Con (lucky duck!). Here she is with the scoop from today's The 100 panel (lucky duck x infinity!).
Showrunner Jason Rothenberg announced today that The 100's third season, premiering early 2016, will jump forward two or three months after the devastating events of the Season 2 finale. It will also have a more "hard core sci-fi" tone coupled with Jaha's discovery of the AI in last season's finale. This is already one of the most hard core sci-fi shows on television right now, so that's really saying something.
The panel - also attended by Eliza Taylor (Clarke), Bob Morley (Bellamy), Isaiah Washington (Jaha), Lindsey Morgan (Raven), Marie Avgeropoulos (Octavia) and Ricky Whittle (Lincoln) - kicked off with a stirring sizzle reel of the first two seasons. This show is so good! And its fandom is really growing: Ballroom 20 was nearly full of fans, many of whom came in cosplay as characters from the show.
Other tidbits from the panel: Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) will return! Taylor on Clarke's probable reaction: "She's pissed. Lexa had a good thing going. I mean, it's CLARKE." Rothenberg on the show's casual, no big deal approach to Clarke and Lexa's romance: "Some things get better post-apocalypse." Washington chimed in, "I mean, it's a thousand years in the future. Hopefully they've got that [homophobia] sorted out by then."
Everyone agrees, including Rothenberg and all the fans (including me), that The 100 needs "more Monty," so hopefully Christopher Larkin will have an augmented role in Season 3. Ricky Whittle discussed the rumor that the cast doesn't do their own stunts: "We all do our own stunts, and this is the toughest cast you'll ever see." Rothenberg agreed and added that the Season 2 DVD will have a stunt pre-viz bonus feature, and we'll get to see the cast tackling the tough action on the show.
Morgan said of Raven: "I get to play someone with a disability, which I think is really important. She kicks ass." She certainly does. And Morley said of Bellamy next season, while Clarke is out on her walkabout, "He'll do what Clarke wouldn't do and will become a leader." He said he doesn't see a future romantic pairing between Bellamy and Clarke, and Rothenberg added, "And what I'll say about that is...you never know." Cue a chorus of teenage cheers! Though I'll say this for the cool, enlightened audience: the 'shippers for Clarke and Lexa were even louder.
Rothenberg ended the panel by saying, in reference to The 100's intermittent humor and compelling romances and friendships, "The show is dark, it's always going to be dark. But we'll always find our bright spots, too."
Check out more of Birth.Movie.Death's Comic Con 2015 coverage here!
Image courtesy bobmorleyisking.