Happy Friday! We made it!
Book Related Things
Want to be the first in line to read hot new YA releases and behind-the-scenes content? Check out the aptly-titled First In Line.
Nicola Yoon's Everything Everything has been optioned.
Gwenda Bond is writing a second Lois Lane YA book.
Librarian tattoos!
Get sorted into Hogwarts Houses again (you know you want to). You can't make me pick just one! SLYTHERCLAW 4 LYFE.
Harry Potter lipsticks.
Movie Related Things
Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer are writing a screenplay together.
New Hunger Games banner! (Is anyone else weirded out by the movies being over in November? I'm not ready to say goodbye!)
What if Harry Potter were the villain?
Interview with teen movie sidekick queen (10 Things I Hate About You, Drive Me Crazy, Center Stage), Susan May Pratt.
Girl power photo from the set of Ghostbusters.
Studio Ghibli's Only Yesterday is getting a U.S. release.
TV Related Things
Some of our favorite Dance Academy alums are getting great roles.
American Gods should begin production in March 2016.
The 100's ice queen has been cast.
Which character from The 100 should you save humanity with?
Rayanne Graff is officially a countess.
Random hangouts from VMAs past.
THE COHEN HOUSE IS FOR SALE. *frantically digs change out of couch*
Miscellaneous Things
Obviously you need this Hot Neville t-shirt.
The daughter from Girl Meets World on intersectional feminism.
Have some shirtless Bellamy and Lincoln. No really, have some more.
Each state's most embarrassing Google searches.
Instagram lifts its square crop requirement.
That's it for this week! Did we miss anything? I am going to celebrate the weekend by putting more funny-colored streaks in my hair and sending my husband off to PAX Seattle.