[Warning: Possible Season 3 spoilers ahead!]
Sweet mother of Grounders, the trailer for The 100 makes it look like Season 3 is going to be a WORLD OF HURT for its cast (and for us).
I'll hazard a guess and say that the theme song for the Writers Room was AC/DC's "If You Want Blood, You Got It."
We have MUCH to discuss in the comments, but I'll start with a few observations:
So, Clexa--happening?
Damn, Kane is rocking that beard!
OH SNAP! I cannot WAIT to see Clarke face off (hopefully for the last time) with smugass Emerson. I CAN wait to see Clarke with white girl dreads because everyone being dirty is one thing, but Clarke being Christina Aguilera dirty is another.
Abby and Kane, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. It's good to see these two finally getting some action.
So Clexa, definitely happening.
Help me out here--this is the girl that tricked Murphy/Mallfoy in the desert, right?
Um, shirtless fighting between Lincoln and Bellamy? Genius movie, writers. GENIUS.
So, based on the trailer, we can gather some key plot points:
- A new guy takes over at Camp Jaha and wants to... declare war on the Grounders? And Bellamy is on his side, so Octavia and Lincoln both kick his ass?
- Jaha and Malfoy are in the City of Light and... there are other people there? (Or is it all projections/flashbacks from ALL-E?) So we'll learn more about the cause of the nuclear war and what ALL-E wants to do with that nuke.
- Clarke, who's been living with some kind of Grounder tribe, reunites with Lexa (and presumably forgives her for forcing Clarke to resort to genocide to save her people, although I don't know how THAT'S possible) but then returns to Camp Jaha or at the very least reunites with her people... in order to stop them from going to war with the Grounders?
Here's Mandy C.'s reaction:
I particularly enjoyed:
- The Bellarke Hug.
- Octavia being an UTTER badass.
- Shirtless sparring with Lincoln and Bellamy.
- Kane actually being a decent guy.
- Monty and Raven having a moment.
- Murphy's girlfriend reappearing!
- The Bellarke Hug.
And some reactions from Kandis:
- It looks like Kane is getting some action this season! Was that Abby he was kissing?
- Jasper's A+ new haircut. Though he and Monty need some therapy STAT. Errbody is killing me with their serious PTSD.
- But the most important question: WHERE IS WICK?
Now it's your turn! Flail and freak out in the comments, and don't forget to share your predictions on what will happen this season. Besides all of us being slayed by this show, because that's a given.
Shameless Self-Promotion: Check out our The 100 themed merch.