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Welcome back to our TV Preview series! Over the next month (and once in March), I’ll take a look at the shows covered in yesterday’s TV Preview: Midseason Shows post and hopefully help you determine if they’re worthy of watching live, DVRing to binge on later, or forgetting entirely.
Warning! Possible spoilers ahead.
Premiered: Jan. 5 on MTV (Watch online.)
Twitter Pitch
That moment when #GameofThrones doesn’t have enough young, pretty faces to appeal to the MTV crowd. #plentyoffantasyserieslefttoadapt
Familiar Faces
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Austin Butler as Wil Ohmsford
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Manu Bennett as Allanon
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Emilia Burns as Commander Tilton
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John Rhys-Davies as Eventine Elessedil
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Daniel MacPherson as Arion Elessedil
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Brooke Williams as Catania
Faces That Might Become Familiar (If You Keep Watching)
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Poppy Drayton as Amberle Elessedil
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Ivana Baquero as Eretria
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Aaron Jakubenko as Ander Elessedil
Redeeming Qualities
I love a good fantasy story, and although the plot of The Shannara Chronicles doesn’t seem all that fresh, there’s something comfortable about a story in which good battles evil and while doing so, goes on a quest to save the world. I’ve never read the books this show is based on, but I also like the idea of a world of magic and mystery that actually takes place on Earth. That said …
It's Not Me, It's You
… I’m sure it’ll be explained at some point—or at least I hope it will—but how did our world turn into one of magic and mystery? And why is Wil so naive? I found myself guessing—many times—what was going to happen with the plot before it did.
Also, what’s with the Elves and man buns?
Let's Do This Again
Even with as obvious as the story was, I really enjoyed these first couple of episodes. Like I said above, I do enjoy fantasy shows, and I don’t really have one in my life right now. I tried to like Game of Thrones, but it wasn’t quite my cup of tea; maybe The Shannara Chronicles is YA-ized enough to suck me in forever?* It’s certainly easy on the eyes ...
*And by forever, I mean however long the show airs.
Did you watch The Shannara Chronicles? What did you think? Voice your thoughts in the comments!