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Blog Tour: Where Futures End

Blog Tour: Where Futures End

Welcome to the blog tour for Parker Peevyhouse's Where Futures End (available now)! Here's the official word on the book:

Perfect for fans of innovative storytelling, like Marcus Sedgwick's The Ghosts of Heaven and David Mitchell's The Bone Clocks, Where Futures End is a collection of five time-spanning, interconnected novellas that weave a subtly science-fictional web stretching out from the present into the future, presenting eerily plausible possibilities for social media, corporate sponsorship, and humanity, as our world collides with a mysterious alternate universe.

Five teens, five futures. Dylan develops a sixth sense that allows him to glimpse another world. Brixney must escape a debtor colony by finding a way to increase the number of hits on her social media feed so she’ll attract corporate sponsorship. Epony goes “High Concept” and poses as an otherworldly being to recapture her boyfriend’s attention. Reef struggles to survive in a city turned virtual gameboard. And Quinn uncovers the alarming secret that links them all.

These are stories about a world that is destroying  itself, and about the alternate world that might be its savior.  Unless it’s just the opposite.

Parker's here today with a list of 25 random things about herself that might surprise people. Take it away, Parker!

25 Random Things About Me

1. I’m a certified Ravenclaw. I certified myself. When you’re a Ravenclaw, you’re allowed to do that.

2. I was in a promotional video for zit medication when I was a teen. I held a picket sign and shouted embarrassing slogans into the camera, like “Down with zits!” and “No more zits!”

3. I’m in a board game club. Right now, my favorite game to play with my club is Mysterium, which is like Clue except that one person gets to be the ghost of the murdered character and give really weird clues to the other players.

4. When I was fourteen years old, I won a writing contest after finishing a short story started by R. L. Stine, author of Goosebumps. One of my prizes was a board game—Terror in the Graveyard—that involved getting the other players’ tokens to fall into open graves.

5. I have a bunny named Arya. I could only convince my husband to adopt her by letting him name her after a Game of Thrones character.

6. I’m obsessed with the color blue. I wear it almost every day. My Ravenclaw loyalty runs deep.

7. I once babysat a pet monkey. Honestly, it was terrifying. Monkeys have pointy teeth.

8. I once went bungee jumping and then went right back up to the top of the crane and did it again because it was so fun, but I am too terrified to ever do it a third time.

9. I can recite “The Jabberwocky” by heart. Only because my son had a picture book version of the poem when he was a toddler and he made me read it to him ONE MILLION TIMES.

10. I once lived and worked at summer camp. We had to say everything in a SHOUTY voice and I was encouraged to throw water balloons at the campers from the roof on Monday nights.

11. My first job was waiting tables. I cried a few times. People are mean when they’re hungry.

12. My favorite book is The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin. Because it’s a game you can read.

13. I can probably beat you at Clue. But we’re going to play The Office version, and I’m going to play in character as Dwight Schrute.

14. I love science fiction movies. Sometimes I randomly ask people, “Do you like our owl?” in my best Sean Young voice. And I always take the red pill.

15. I’ll read/watch pretty much anything that includes the words Holmes, Watson, Baker Street, and afoot.

16. I love Jane Austen novels. I avoided them for the longest time because people told me I wouldn’t like them if I wasn’t very girly. But you know who else isn’t very “girly”? Elizabeth Bennet!

17. My favorite food is French fries. Preferably garlic fries. Beware.

18. I knew I wanted to be a writer when I entered the Young Authors Fair at school in fifth grade. My book got a special sticker on it. Yes, I will work for stickers.

19. I’m an INTJ. Same as Voldemort and Palpatine and every other supervillain. What.

20. Whenever toast comes free with breakfast, I get sourdough toast. Because sourdough is the biggest of all the toasts. More toast!

21.  When I was a kid, I invented my own Halloween costumes, but no one ever understood them. One year I was “A Head On A Table For Two.” …I have no idea.

22. I have terrible handwriting. When I was a kid, people thought maybe I had learned to write with the wrong hand.

23. I love redwood trees. They’re the most beautiful thing on the planet.

24. I was so shy as a kid that I would spend my recess time reading books alone.

25. I once got to be the “spy” on the Star Tours ride at Disneyland. But the person I really want to be when I grow up is Rey.

Thanks for stopping by, Parker! You can check out her website, or find her on Twitter (@parkerpeevy).

Follow the rest of the blog tour for Where Futures End!

February 1: Distracted Blogger
February 2: A Dream Within A Dream
February 3: booklovers.
February 4: Seeing Double In Neverland
February 5: WinterHaven Books

February 8: The Young Folks
February 9: The Compulsive Reader
February 10: Brittany's Book Rambles
February 11: Forever Young Adult
February 12: A Perfection Called Books

February 15: It Starts at Midnight
February 16: The Book's Buzz
February 17: Dark Faerie Tales
February 18: Jessabella Reads
February 19: Once Upon a Twilight

Where Futures End is available now.

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