Previously, on iZombie: Clive and Dale decided that Blaine is their number one Chaos Killer suspect. Ravi and Major have been digging up a field, trying to find the tainted batch of utopium for further cure experiments.
Grey Matters
While digging up the field they believe the tainted Utopium is in, Major and Ravi find a fresher corpse than the ones they’re looking for. After calling in Clive, they use geocaching as their explanation for how they stumbled upon the (wrong) body.
At the reading of Blaine’s father’s will, he finds that in the event of foul play, his father left everything to his horrible housekeeper, who was abusive to young Blaine. Blaine’s goons present him with a trussed up Major in a body bag, with evidence that he’s the Chaos Killer. Blaine assumes a leak in his organization is how Major knew which zombies to take out. Major fesses up about the list he’s working through, but despite numerous threats, he won’t tell who’s making him do it. But he does offer to give Blaine back his father.
Liv warns Drake that he can’t trust Blaine and that Blaine is selling Utopium out of the funeral home and is planning to take down Mr. Boss. Drake pretends to not believe her. Then he gets promoted by Mr. Boss, and sent to silence Terrell, the likely suspect in the murder of the week.
Brain Melt
Major has to reveal his cold storage secret to Blaine!
Even zombies love a good “That’s what she said!”
Clive is on to Liv’s adopting the personality of the current victim! This is what happens when you try to fool a detective.
They finally found the tainted Utopium!
The Brain
Corey Carp, is found buried in the field, and is ID’ed by a random bar hookup. He claimed to be an FBI agent, in Seattle to infiltrate a gang of bank robbers. They find out Corey was better known as Big Fish, an infamous teller of tall tales, and that he worked for Mr. Boss. His brain turns Liv into a pathological liar, and not a very believable one.
The Real Monster
Honestly, this is where the episode gets muddled. It’s pretty clear that Corey witnessed something he wasn’t supposed to, and was killed on Mr. Boss’ orders. But the flashes aren’t really easy to follow. One of the last flashes Liv gets tells her that Drake was an accessory to the murder.
Winners and Chewsers
Winner: Blaine. He may have missed out on his dad’s fortune, but thanks to Major, he gets the chance to enact some serious revenge. Blaine, you beautiful psychopath.
Loser: Clive. His new boss seems to think he’s useless, and he’s probably about to deliver some very uncomfortable news to Liv about Major. But most of all, I really object to how they’re still keeping him in the dark. Clive deserves better, people!
Words With a Bite
“If she bears your children, you’ll start using her first name, right?” - Ravi
“I blame my upbringing. Clearly I wasn’t beaten enough as a child.” - Blaine
“Rise and shine, Major bummer.” - Blaine
“I’d hate to lose a perfectly good zombie rat. Let’s use Blaine as our guinea pig.” - Liv
“I’m not disputing that Bonnie and Clyde are like family to you, but the IRS doesn’t allow you to claim pit bulls as dependents.” - Mr. Boss
“I appreciate your patience in regards to our sudden dearth of undead courtesans.” - Blaine
Picking Your Brain
- I try, and I try, but I don’t really understand Ravi’s zombie rat experiments. Do you?
- Blaine’s idea to use a zombie hooker to lure in a Chaos Killer victim, it’s so efficient! Maybe Major should have been taking lessons from the actual killer he knows?
- What the hell is really up with super fine Drake?! He’s gotten shady as hell and is making me very nervous.
Join me in the comments, where I’ll be pouring one out for New Hope.
Next episode: "Eternal Sunshine of the Caffeinated Mind"
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