Book Related Things
YALLWest has released their official lineup, and there are tons of FYA faves! Are you going? (I am!)
Maybe bookstores aren't dying. 60 new indies opened in 2015.
Here's how some indie bookstores merchandise their diverse YA/children's sections.
This guy used his family's cellphones to recreate the Weasley clock.
These bookmarks are the legs of literary characters (much cuter than they sound!).
1910 book ads.
Movie Related Things
Here's some Star Wars: Episode VIII casting news.
Emily Blunt is the new Mary Poppins.
Disney princesses singing in their native languages.
Saoirse Ronan will star in another Ian McEwan adaptation.
TV Related Things
Cameron Crowe's Roadies series looks right up my alley (and maybe yours, too?).
Paul Anka (the dog) is returning to Gilmore Girls. (Tell me I'm not the only person who immediately thought, "wow, the dog is still alive?")
Katie Holmes doesn't see a Dawson's Creek revival working.
Watch Adele prank some very patient and polite kids at a Jamba Juice.
The Canadian military made a bunch of people think The OC was coming back. (It's not.) (Mandy W., what do you have to say for your fellow countrymen?!)
Miscellaneous Things
How's this for nostalgia? All of Sassy's Cute Band Alerts, from 1990-94.
That's it for this week! Did we miss anything? To the comments!