When Grounders come to Arkadia and announce their ultimatum—Pike must pay for the lives lost—Pike and crew immediately start plotting how they can take as many of them out as possible. Kane realizes it’s time to take a stand, and works to put his own plan in place with the help of Harper, Miller, and Sinclair. Sinclair and Lincoln stage a riot to draw attention away from Kane, who kidnaps Pike and very nearly smuggles him out of the village, but is stopped by Bellamy. And for his crimes, Kane is sentenced to death.
Elsewhere in Arkadia, Raven conscripts Jasper into stealing the CoL chip mold back from Pike’s office. While doing so, however, she realizes that what ALL-E is selling isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
- Harper working with Miller and Kane. At least some of the remaining 100 have kept their wits about them.
- Kane trying, so hard, to get Pike to listen to reason.
- Miller’s face when Pike talks about using the concussive bombs.
- Sinclair revealing to Lincoln that he got thrown in prison on purpose.
- Jasper telling Raven that Monty’s favorite color is Green.
GIFs via chatnoirs-baton
- Bellamy’s eyes welling up with tears when he hears Kane’s sentence. ALL the heart eyes.
- BELLAMY. STOP BEING A GIANT PIECE OF CRAP. And stop shooting Grounders. You are not doing anyone any favors, least of all any of us who are trying really hard to still believe in you.
- Raven being her awesome self, and breaking through ALL-E’s brainwashing.
- Prison break! Kane shocking Pike! Fists flying! Everyone shocking everyone! (Not gonna lie, I totally cackled with glee.)
Kane is an amazing leader, and willing to do just about anything to make sure the Arkadians are safe, even if that means sacrificing himself. He’s not OK with the way things are headed, and he’s acting upon it rather than just avoiding the subject. He also doesn’t let people do his dirty work for him; he’s down in the trenches with everyone else. (He’s a total 180 from Pike, who might think he’s doing the exact same thing, but instead seems to be vacationing from Crazytown.)
“Or we could just shock lash Pike’s fascist ass and hand him to the Grounders.”—Harper, being
an avatar of all of us who get stabby at the mere mention of Pike’s name.
“I hear you have experience breaking into offices of elected officials.”—Raven, reminding Jasper of that time he was a badass.
“I do.”—Jasper, turning his sad-sack self around.
“No. I do it every day.”—Bellamy, maybe, possibly, finally coming to his senses.
GIFs via chatnoirs-baton
- Did anyone else think that the bag of uniforms the Grounder tossed in front of Pike in the beginning of the episode was going to be a bag of heads?
- Remember when Kane was terrible? I’m glad that guy’s gone.
- Will we be able to forgive Bellamy now that he’s seeing reason?
- Do we really have to wait until March 31 for a new episode?!
I’m so happy that we finally got to see some of our favorite characters being the people we know and love, rather than pawns in other people’s games. The next episode's gonna be intensity in ten cities, however.
Let’s take it to the comments.
Next episode: “Stealing Fire”
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