Previously on The Originals: Mikaelson Prophecy of DOOOM. Marcel told Kol to leave town, and the witch ancestors’ influence. No such luck. The ancestors are Team Lucien. Aurora tortured Klaus, Cami, and the audience. Lucien bit Cami with his lethal Super Hybrid bite.
The Original Dysfunctional Family Drama
Lucien makes tea in Cami’s trashed apartment, and taunts her while she’s dying of his hybrid bite. Lucien is the worst house guest. Cami manages to cut Lucien up with a dark object and zooms off to Klaus, to beg him to not fly off the handle like Lucien wants, before she confesses that she loves him and doesn’t want him to get killed. Then she passes out, as Klaus discovers her hybrid bite.
The team assembles at Mikaelson compound to brainstorm cures. Klaus thinks Lucien’s blood might cure the bite, like his does with wolf bites. Vincent heads off to collect a sample from Cami’s bloody apartment. Hayley suggests that maybe Hope’s blood has curing properties and she collects the miracle baby from the bayou for fun blood donations. None of their potions work.
Davina goes to Saint James to yell at Kol over trying to leave town. He’s busy pouting over being cursed and stuck in New Orleans. People have had worse problems, dude. They fight over him not wanting her to go help Cami and go up against Lucien, but she gives him the hand, and does it anyway. She doesn’t make any headway with Lucien, because the ancestors are on his side. When she returns to Kol, he wants her to dagger him, until things are resolved, because he can’t be trusted while he’s cursed.
While Cami fitfully naps on her deathbed, Klaus gives her a perfect day dream, of patio drinking, and wandering through Jackson Square. (Apparently, on her deathbed, Cami is me.) She uses her dying moments to convince Klaus that there’s light in him, and that he can be that for his little girl. It’s heartbreaking.
Holy Fang
The unspoken moment of communication between the brothers, when Klaus sends Elijah to accompany Hayley? I would watch a whole show about that.
And Kol 1.0 is down for the count! AGAIN. Oh wait. He’s back. And he drained Davina!
Winners and Losers
Winner: Lucien. I don’t even know anymore, y'all. They bound Aurora, so why is this git still roaming the city, villainistically monologuing and biting people?
Loser: Cami. Is Cami really gone? We thought that before, but this seemed really final. Vincent and Hayley talking to Cami’s corpse broke me. Hayley telling Cami she was sad that Hope would never remember the woman who made Klaus better., “I always figured if he liked you, he couldn’t be that bad.” And then there was a lot of ugly sobbing in my house.
Original Snark
“Sampled quite a bit of your blood actually. It was very tasty. Although more bitter than I expected.” Lucien, you a-hole.
“I can tell you I love you tomorrow. You’re not dying today.” Klaus brings the SA-WOON.
“I was your stenographer. You owe me.” Aw. Callback to when Klaus used to compel Cami on the regular.
“I suppose I should ‘fess up, tell you all my deepest, darkest secrets.” Actually, how much to get Lucien to SHUT THE HELL UP?
“I’m not afraid to die. Neither are you. We fight for those we love.” I’m DEAD OF ELIJAH now. I’m recapping from the afterlife.
“We cannot deny her the dignity of choice.” Elijah has like three lines in this episodes, and they’re all made of heart eyes.
Haunting Questions
- Why does Davina still command so much power, without the ancestors on her side, when Vincent couldn’t do anything?
- Is it just me, or did Cami have extensions in her perfect, deathbed dream? Although, it’s only fair you should get to look good then.
- Do you believe Cami is really gone? Is Davina? Do you feel jerked around, and filled with trust issues? Welcome to The Originals.
Next: “Where Nothing Stays Buried”