Welcome back to the rewatch, superfans! Rejoice, for this week brings us the return of our beloved Linda Tran AND throws a little Looney Tune logic to liven up the usual hunting.
Take a drink every time:
• There’s a corpse
• A demon possesses/de-possesses and/or makes a deal with some hapless schmuck
• Someone on the show takes a drink
• Dean crams his face full of junk food
• Anyone is tied up
• Either brother picks a lock
• Someone employs a Titan of Classic Rock as an alias
• The Glorious and Faithful Impala is damaged in the line of duty
8x7: A Little Slice of Kevin
Monster of the Week: Crowley
Since Crowley hasn’t found Kevin yet, he’s come up with another plan. After torturing the names of future prophets out of the angel Samandriel, he rounds them all up and tries to get them to read his tablet. Dean and Sam are investigating their disappearance, and Cas gives them a lead. There can apparently only be one prophet at a time (sorry, Chuck).
Kevin and Linda Tran decide to hire a witch, Delta, off of Craigslist to help them make a demon bomb to take out Crowley. Delta’s only been doing witchcraft since her band broke up but she takes it super seriously. Kevin almost immediately gets the hots for her, which is a shame, since she almost immediately betrays them to Crowley. The King of Hell takes Kevin, leaving Linda to fend of his demon henchman with a holy water supersoaker. She calls the boys for backup, delivering a tied up demon henchman for questioning. Did I mention I love Linda?
Meanwhile, Crowley puts Kevin with the potential prophets and orders him to read the tablet, murdering one of them when he refuses. That doesn’t work either. But when he chops off one of Kevin’s fingers, he gets to reading pretty quickly, telling him there are more tablets to find.
Once the Winchesters find Crowley’s location, they handcuff Linda to the steering wheel and take off to face him. Sam rescues the potential prophets while Cas gets to Crowley. He goes full blue-laser-eyed, shadow-winged angel and breaks the tablet! Crowley grabs half of it and runs. The Winchesters send the Trans and the tablet to Garth.
Later, Cas is pulled to Heaven by the angel, Naomi. She’s the one who rescued him from Purgatory, and demands to know everything about Sam and Dean. He tells her everything, seemingly against his will, and then she tells him that he’s to spy on the Winchesters for her, even though he won’t remember doing it.
The Angst of it All: Dean thinks he’s hallucinating Castiel and admits to feeling guilt over leaving him behind in Purgatory when he escaped. At least until Cas actually shows up, gritty and bearded and unsure of how he actually got out. Having had the painful memory of leaving seared into his brain, Dean doesn’t believe Cas’s story. Cas later shares a vision of the truth of what happened in Purgatory. Dean tried to pull Cas out, but he chose to stay behind because he wanted to serve penance for all the things he’s done.
Drink Count: 8 for people tied up, corpses, and junk food.
The Quotable Winchesters: “I hired her off of Craigslist. Her name is Delta Mendota and she’s a smart cookie. She’s scrappy, reliable, and willing to kill.” –Linda
Most GIF-able moment:
Cas gets his groove back.
Notable Cameos:
Amanda Tapping of Stargate and Sanctuary plays Naomi.
8x8: Hunteri Heroici
Monster of the Week: Reality warper, greedy doctor
A man’s heart thumps out his chest at the sight of the woman he loves. Since this is Supernatural, I mean that literally. Another man tries to commit suicide, but hangs in the air as he steps off a building until he looked down. An anvil falls on another, smooshing him. Cartoony death? Where’s a hunter when you need one? The Winchesters Cas is on the case.
Yes, Cas has decided he wants to eschew the angel life and become a full time hunter. Seeing as he’s still green, the boys work the case with him. He may have the power to see into the human body, but human motivations still elude him and he conducts interrogations like the bad cop on a 70s detective show on humans and tabby cats alike.
They learn that someone is warping reality to fit cartoon rules in order to commit robberies, and that the effect has a certain radius, catching up regular citizens in the mayhem. The robbery spots all have something in common—they belonged to elders living in the same senior care facility. When they visit the facility, they recognize one of the residents, Fred, a psycho-kinetic they used to know back when they were kids. He’s noncommunictive, just sitting and watching Looney Tunes all day.
The retirement home doctor has been taking advantage of Fred’s ability to rob residents! While Dean roadrunners the doctor’s Wile E Coyote, Cas sends Sam into Fred’s mind to convince him to fight back. It turns out he’d put himself in the vegetative state, afraid that losing his mind to age would get people hurt. After Fred wakes, he forces the doctor to shoot himself. At Fred’s request he performs sort of a angelic lobotomy on him.
The Angst of it All: Sam spends much of the episode flashing back to that time he moved in with Amelia and her dad didn’t like him much. Even worse? After he finally got the dad to come around, Amelia got a call saying her soldier husband was alive.
Dean, meawhile, is worried about how Cas is adjusting to life outside Purgatory. At the end of the episode Cas thinks he’s ready to face Heaven, but Naomi tells him he’s not welcome except for when she calls.
Drink Count: 4 for corpses.
The Quotable Winchesters: “There was a pastry mishap.” –Cas, after cartoon logic turned a birthday cake candle into a stick of dynamite.
Most GIF-able moment:
The heartbreak of it all.
Notable Cameos:
Brian Markinson of The Girlfriend’s Guide to Divorce plays Amelia’s dad.
Next Week: Sam and Amelia pull An Affair to Remember