Good morning, FYA friends! It has been a week, hasn’t it? Pour yourself a mimosa, and sit down for some frivolous surfing.
Book Related Things
Cover reveal and excerpt released for Renee Ahdieh's Flame in the Mist.
18 Tumblr bloggers who should grow up to be writers.
Cinderella-inspired geek girl YA! Here's the cover reveal for Ashley Poston's Geekerella.
First excerpt from Anna Kendrick's Scrappy Little Nobody, plus new tour dates! The book comes out Nov. 15.
A new Megan Whelan Turner book is on the way!
And EW has an exclusive excerpt from Sarah Dessen's new novel, Once and for All!
Movie Related Things
Harry Potter films coming to IMAX for one week only starting Oct. 13!
Mean Girls musical from Tina Fey officially announced for opening fall 2017.
TV Related Things
Candice King talks with The Mary Sue about the final season of The Vampire Diaries and what it means for Steroline.
Netflix hosted Luke's coffee shop pop-ups all over the country to promote the Gilmore Girls revival. Luke himself even showed up! Did you go?
Netflix drops its teaser for A Series of Unfortunate Events, with Patrick Warburton as Lemony Snicket!
An oral history of The Real World/Road Rules Challenge.
New Teen Wolf season 6 trailer full of stuff nobody asked for.
Miscellaneous Things
Beloved neighborhood cat honored with statue in his likeness.
To get you in the mood for Halloween, Which Witch Are YOU? I got Winifred from Hocus Pocus. And I’m onto you, quiz. "Big personality" is just a euphemism for loud and obnoxious.
What did we miss?