Previously on The Vampire Diaries: Enzo and Damon are having their minds controlled by a 4,000 year old siren, Caroline is moving into Chez Salvatore, Enzo's clues lead Stefan and Bonnie to Damon who reacts in typical Damon-fashion, Alaric's intern wants a piece of that hot professor action, and a whole Aladdin's cave of treasure has been discovered in The Vault.
What Went Down
Bonnie, Caroline, and Stefan are still trying to track down Enzo and Damon (again), and see that a couple of women named Sarah Nelson have been murdered in the Carolinas. Sarah Nelson is also the alias for Sarah Salvatore (remember her? It's ok if you don't), and she's being hunted by Sybil because Enzo is trying to protect Bonnie. Sybil can peer into the minds of her minions, and Sarah's name was the only one she could pull out of Enzo's. Despite Caroline, Stefan, Bonnie, AND Enzo trying to save Sarah, and despite Damon deciding not to kill her, Sybil is too crafty and she gets the job done herself. She paralyzes Stefan through mind control so that he can't save Sarah, and has to watch her die. It is ROUGH.
Bonnie tries to "save" Enzo, but he can only get so far from Sybil before their bond is tested and he starts bleeding out of his nostrils. He pleads with Bonnie to let him go, telling her that he's only trying to keep her safe. It's soul-crushing to watch this goodbye.
Sybil pries her way into Damon's memories of Elena, inserting HERSELF in Elena's place. (Ugh, gross.) And she finally weakens Enzo enough (by stabbing him) so that she now knows about Bonnie. BRING IT ON. Bonnie Bennett has gone up against WAY more irritating villains than your needy ass.
Alaric and Georgie are working on cleaning up all of the artifacts found in the cave, and Alaric is able to link a post in the found diary with the arrival of a Mysterious Shipment (aka Sybil) on the same date in 1790. There's a symbol in the book that freaks out Georgie...because she has the same mark on her skin. She's convinced she received it in hell. How does one get to hell, you ask? In her case you get into a car accident that kills your BFF, and then you flatline for a bit.
Stefan is super sad, and Caroline gently pushes him to talk to her. They're going to get their friends back, all of them, she promises him. Then he shows her the room he's re-modeling for Lizzie and Josie, and just when you think we've reached peak Steroline, he proposes to her. (YOU GUYS!)
That ring in the dresser drawer..! I can't wait to see Caroline plan her wedding, y'all.
Sybil invading Damon's memories and taking Elena's place is the pinnacle of awfulness. Lots of underlying messages about consent this season.
Georgie's "dark mark"!
Sarah decided to stop cashing those Salvatore checks?? GIRL. You do NOT want student loans.
Stefan building the twins their own room at Chez Salvatore. Aww. He's going to be the best stepdad. (Damon as Fun Uncle? Here for it.)
Vamp of the Week: Caroline Forbes
It's SO hard to pick a favorite scene this week, but the much-needed blow-up between her and Bonnie was FAB. I'd like to think that this was the writers' way of acknowledging just HOW much Bonnie gets sidelined by the people who love her the most. Caroline's response was perfect because Caroline isn't perfect, but she's an incredible friend who knows how to admit when she's been thoughtless.
Hero Hair/Nefarious Grin
Hero Hair: Enzo's hair is definitely at Superman-levels of heroic in this picture, and his fierce love for Bonnie coupled with his selflessness makes his hair entirely made out of WIN.
Nefarious Grin: I have a feeling that Sybil the Siren will be the prime resident of this spot for the foreseeable future. Mind control is some nasty stuff, girl.
Sound Bites
Bonnie: I can't lose you again.
Enzo: You never lost me, Bonnie Bennett.
Georgie: You don't think I'm crazy?
Ric: You don't even approach the threshold of the crazy I've seen.
Caroline: Is this a bad time?
Ric: No, I'm just getting used to the millennial work ethic.
Damon: So I'm thinking of a person. He's reasonably good looking, charming accent, and he would be the most amazing wingman if he just got rid of his martyr complex.
Enzo: That's not how you play 20 questions. Regardless, your answer is either Jesus Christ, or me.
Burning Questions
Now that we know about Georgie's dark mark, what part is she going to play this season? And what about the Big Ancient Fork she found with the same mark?
Does anyone else feel totally fine about Alaric potentially dating the intern, but NOT fine about him potentially dating the nanny?
On a scale of 1-drawn and quartered, how badly do you think Damon is going to make Sybil suffer when he realizes what she's done to his memories?
Where the hell is Matt Donovan?
WHEW. That was a lot of feelings felt, y'all. Is anyone else making themselves loopy trying to figure out how they're going to get Bonnie's magic back AND keep her alive AND still bring Elena back? Come convo with me below!