Network TV has started its winter break, so the time has come for our TV Preview crew to discuss the best, worst and bestworst* of 2016’s fall TV shows.
*Shows you know you shouldn’t love, but you do anyway.
Best New Show
Emily: This Is Us. I needed a hopeful show this fall, and this is like the best bowl of comfort food possible. I actually miss the characters between new episodes and find myself rewatching scenes throughout the week just to be in the world a little longer. I care about all of the storylines equally—though I will admit I could watch Milo and Mandy be in love forever. I don't believe this show can or should replace Parenthood in any of our hearts, but it doesn't have to. There is room in our lives for both the Bravermans and the Pearsons. (I think the two families would be friends.)
Kandis: Pitch. I didn't know much about this show going in, and I definitely don't care about baseball. And yet, I completely love it. The cast is so good. The score is so good. I am heavily invested. OHMYGOD, make out already! It's one of the brightest spots in my week, and I'm desperate for it to be renewed.
Mandy C.: Speechless. Micah Fowler (JJ) is a gem. The entire Dimeo family is hilariously wacky and ruthless, but loyal and loving at the same time. And I appreciate that JJ is probably one of the most “normal” people on the show, even though he’s the one with the disability.
Rosemary: PITCH OMG. I was late to get on this bandwagon but I binged it today and am totally hooked. Please, watch it, tweet about it, tell your friends. I need this show to stay on the air.
Worst New Show
Emily: The Great Indoors. I just don't get it.
Kandis: MacGyver. I hated the stupid pilot so much. I can't imagine it improved a lot, considering there wasn't much to work with there. Is it even still on?
Honorable Mention: Frequency. Zzzzz.
Mandy C.: The Great Indoors. I knew from the moment it started that I wasn’t going to like it, and less than halfway through (so like 5 minutes in?) I had already written it off. The jokes were forced, Joel McHale seemed like he wanted to be anywhere else than that set, the laugh track … nothing about this show was funny or even ironic, which I’m sure the creators were aiming for. I can see a demographic of older people finding it hilarious—millennials are dumb!—but, really, no one should.
Rosemary: MacGyver. Just … no.
Bestworst New Show
Emily: Timeless. I LOVE this show! Time travel is tough and it does not make sense, but sometimes you just have to suspend belief and go along for the adventure. This is a great escape, and I love how excited the characters get when they meet historical icons. And unexpectedly, there are some great ethical storylines about whether or not history should be changed given the chance. Didn't see that deeper level coming. Plus, Wyatt can buckle my seat belt any time he wants to!
Kandis: No Tomorrow. It's really not that great. It's occasionally funny. I don't care about Evie's workplace stuff at all. Okay, I think I maybe just love Joshua Sasse. Like, have you seen this guy?
Mandy C.: Lethal Weapon. I was all set to not enjoy this show, to keep comparing it to the movies, to enjoy Riggs’ hair but not his personality … but I really enjoy it. The relationship between Damon Wayan’s Murtaugh and Clayne Crawford’s Riggs is real and hilarious, and the supporting cast, particularly Keesha Sharp’s Mrs. Murtaugh, are fantastic. My heart breaks for Riggs every time he has a flashback of his wife and yet I laugh often when he does something unhinged.
Hottest Cast
Emily: Queen Sugar. Every episode I find myself at least once commenting (usually to myself) about how beautiful these actors are. I'm definitely addicted to this show and the high level of steaminess only adds to that.
Kandis: Pitch. I JUST LOVE IT SO MUCH. And also, we did get to see them all naked a couple of week's ago. So, this is kind of a no-brainer.
Mandy C.: The Good Place. It’s practically a given that The Good Place would be filled with pretty people, right? (Although, The Bad Place’s crew wasn’t too shabby either.)
Honorable Mention: Timeless
Rosemary: Pitch again. I could stare at Jenny's face all day. Plus Mark Paul's still got it, and Ali Larter is a forever babe. And that's not even mentioning all the minor character hotties.
What Will Stick Around
Emily: This is Us. The ratings and reviews seem to be telling us that the country is in dire need for some lighter, more hopeful shows. I don't think this is going anywhere anytime soon.
Kandis: This Is Us. I do like it, though I still dislike being emotionally manipulated on a weekly basis. The cast manages to elevate the mostly mediocre material over and over again, and that's probably what keeps me coming back.
Mandy C.: MacGyver. I don’t love the show, but I feel like it’s probably well-liked by a lot of network TV viewers (i.e., all of those who are still watching NCIS, etc.)
Rosemary: This Is Us grabbed America by the emotional balls and probably won't be letting go anytime soon. It fills a Parenthood/Brothers and Sisters void for lots of folks.
Honorable Mentions: I'd love for Speechless to have Modern Family levels of success. And obviously I want Pitch to succeed but I'm afraid for it, since ratings aren't great.
What Will Die an Early Death
Emily: Frequency. Is anyone watching this? I don't think anyone hated it, I just don't know of anyone that liked it either ...
Kandis: Conviction. I think it's already been cancelled? They seem to still be burning off episodes, though. Sadly, the weakest part of the ensemble was the usually excellent Hayley Atwell. Her character was just so uneven. And points off for criminally underusing Daniel Franzese here.
Mandy C.: Frequency. I liked the idea, but the execution was pretty poor. The CW really needs to stop trying to make Peyton List happen.
Rosemary: I can't even tell you the difference between Notorious or Conviction. They both seem like Shonda-lite. And so long as Shonda is doing Shonda, imitators won't cut it.
Still Holding Out Hope
Emily: Designated Survivor. I'm not going to lie, I was hoping for another 24, but I feel like they're trying to go for a thriller-esque version of The West Wing. Not sure it's quite working. I still love the premise so much, and I think the cast is great, so I'm not losing hope yet.
Kandis: Timeless. This might just be the silliest show on television. I do love getting to see new time periods every week. Although, it's a little hard to believe that Lucy is an expert on every single one of them. The core cast is really seems to be finding their footing. But I need them to shake up the formula a little. Being three steps behind the villain every single week is tiresome. Use your time machine more efficiently, people.
Mandy C.: Timeless. Each episode is fun, but not something I feel like I have to watch. I’d really like to feel more connected to the show, and it’s slowly growing on me, but maybe not fast enough?
Rosemary: I didn't dislike The Good Place but I do think there's room for improvement. I'd love to see it hit its stride, if only for Kristen Bell and Ted Danson.
So, what’d you think about all of the new shows? What do you love? Hate? Let’s take it to the comments!