Pretend I'm doing my best Tina Turner impression as I welcome you to the THUNDERDOME. We've hit the Sweet Sixteen, which means we're down to only the serious contenders, the most brutal of bosom friends, the pals that put the "arms" in comrade in arms.
Take a look at the warriors still kicking in the Best Buds bracket:
This week, we're focusing on the greatest hits of each BFF-ship, the moments when they earned those charms. Just to make it that much harder to cast your vote. You're welcome!
(1) Gansey/Ronan/Adam/Noah/Blue (The Raven Cycle) vs. (4) Matt/Landry (Friday Night Lights)
Can I just take a second to WTF over the fact that our fave Cabeswater foursome narrowly beat out Cory and Shawn from Boy Meets World?! WHAT. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised due to recent election results but WHAT IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE? AM I TAKING CRAZY PILLS?
It's tough to narrow down just one moment when Blue and her Raven Boys epitomized bestiehood. The easy choice would be the climax of The Raven King, because duh, but since I'm writing this post, and I've been drinking on a patio in Las Vegas, I'm gonna go with this instead:
“No homework. I got suspended,” Blue replied.
“Get the f*ck out,” Ronan said, but with admiration. “Sargent, you asshole.”
Blue reluctantly allowed him to bump fists with her as Gansey eyed her meaningfully in the rearview mirror.
Have fists ever been bumped so meaningfully?
Speaking of scenes in cars:
GIF via fridaynightgifs
What I love about Matt and Landry isn't one particular gesture or event, but rather, their easy familiarity and lively banter. It's obvious that there is a deep, abiding love between them, but it's the way they rib each other that demonstrates their security in knowing that the other person will always be there, no matter what. (Like, even if Landry kills a guy to defend Tyra and then the writers' strike ends and everyone pretends like nothing happened.)
(2) Cher/Dionne (Clueless) vs. (3) Rory/Lane (Gilmore Girls)
Cher and Dionne might not have the deepest relationship, but they do have that seemingly effortless level of comfort with each other that you can only find in a kindred spirit. When Cher needs a boost, Dionne is always down to shop. When Dionne decides to lose her virginity after narrowly escaping death on the highway, Cher is totally happy for her.
I think my favorite moment is Dionne being ALL IN on prepping for Cher's date with Christian (including the lighting scheme design), but I would be remiss if I didn't mention this incredible exchange rooted in the kind of honesty that only the best of buds can share:
GIF via tearthatcherryout
Rory and Lane just might be the most adorable pair in this whole tournament. I mean, look at these cuties:
GIF via betty-cooperss
They share a lot of funny, meaningful and "only in Stars Hollow" experiences, but for me, the most direct glimpse into the mettle of their friendship is their conversation about sex AND the fact that they conduct that conversation in a bookstore, which speaks volumes about their mutual (and wonderful) nerdiness. In other words, thank god they found each other.
Polls close this Saturday at midnight Central, with results posted on Sunday. Rave about your fave duo or rant about THE ANGUISH OF VOTING in the comments!