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FAMOUS IN LOVE 1x4: Prelude To A Diss

FAMOUS IN LOVE 1x4: Prelude To A Diss

Previously, Paige struggles to balance school with Locked (but that got resolved, I KNOW EVERYONE WAS WORRIED) while Nina adds Tangey to the cast, Jordan and Rainer fight then reconcile and Alexis takes Jake to the desert to "work on his script."

Finally, the movie is in production! Now we're getting to the good stuff... I hope.

The Elevator Pitch

It's Day One on a $200 million movie, so no pressure, Paige! JK, it's aaall the pressure, and Paige has two major fails in a row that leave Wyatt trembling with rage. Rainer asks her out on a date, which you would think would make things better, but the "P" initial necklace he gives her sends the signal that she's one in a string of girls. Rainer apologizes the next day, then he and Paige, who is simmering with jealousy over Alexis and Jake together in that hot, hot desert, shoot their kissing scene, which Paige nails. Sure, she's a good actress, but according to Cassie, that kind of chemistry can't be faked.

Speaking of Cassie, girl is in some serious financial trouble with her tuition, and if she doesn't pay up, she'll basically get kicked out of school. She adds another client to her topless maid service but walks out after he's a total perv (which means the end of that particular storyline, right, writers? RIGHT?), so with no other options, she decides to pawn the fancy bracelet that Paige just gave her. And then she lies about all of it to Paige, because telling the truth would be way too easy.

Jordan finds Tangey in the recording studio to tell her that "night in Chicago" can't happen again, because he's finally back on track with Rainer. She's upset and lets Rainer know, so he gives Jordan the go-ahead to pursue something with Tangey. Too bad Jordan has to break up with Nina first! And by too bad, I mean thank god.

In addition to boy drama, Tangey (whom I'm really loving, btw) is wrestling with a desire to take risks with her music, a direction that her mom/manager, Ida, does NOT appreciate. Tangey decides to sing her own country song on Conan, which pisses off her mother, whom she then fires. Hey, it worked for Beyoncé! (Well, it was her dad, but still.)

And the Oscar Goes To...

Sure, he's still secretly sleeping with his friend's mom, but Jordan earned some major points in this episode. He tried to do right by both Tangey and Rainer, plus he gave Rainer some excellent advice concerning Paige. I also love his reference to being "in and out" on set, i.e. dude is PROFESH.

Can I Quote You On That?

"Is that...?" - Paige, eying her first piece of swag.
"The three diamond bracelet Beyoncé gave Solange after the elevator incident? Casual yes." - Cassie, who is obviously a fan of the Fug Girls.

"Don't try to Miley Cyrus your ass into edgy!" - Ida, shelling out some motherly advice to Tangey.

The Red Carpet

Sure, Paige had to perform a scene with a CGI stick, but she got to do it looking like this!!! That lipstick alone would motivate some serious acting from me.

Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous

I know it's a normal part of making a film, but I'll never NOT envy actors their hair & make-up sessions. Unless we're talking about, like, heavy superhero or alien make-up, then no thanks. Just gimme dat blowout!

The Paparazzi

- How does Paige, an aspiring actress, not know what video village is?

- Did anyone else kind of enjoy Jake's absence from this episode? He's cute and all but I am already SO OVER the angst between him and Paige.

- Do you think Ida's right about her daughter's lack of a future in country, or will Tangey prove her wrong?

- Anyone else already afraid about what Nina will do after she finds out about Jordan and Tangey?

- Did I catch Rainer (in character) saying something about Autumn needing to return to her time? I'm guessing they've changed up the plot of Locked because I do not remember any time travel.

- Wyatt has a thing for Alexis?!

As always, bring your thoughts/rants/raves to the comments. And if anyone knows what lipstick that is, LET A GIRL KNOW.

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