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IZOMBIE 3x10: Return Of The Dead Guy

IZOMBIE 3x10: Return Of The Dead Guy

Previously, on iZombie: Thanks to Dungeon Master brain, the Fellowship of the Dork is born—nerd!Clive is The Cutest—Blaine reveals his latest endeavor (Blue Juice), and Harley Johns and his many brothers capture Don E. and expect Ravi to help them reveal him to the world.

Grey Matters

Ravi’s holed up with Harley Johns and the Zombie Truthers, “studying” Don E., who’s still super hopped up on WWII veteran brain. He starts to come off it and nearly ruins Ravi’s cover, but Ravi quickly assures him that he’s working on a way out, for the both of them. He tries Blaine on Don E.’s burner phone, but Blaine doesn’t answer.

To help Peyton with her case, Liv eats some blue juice-soaked Weckler brain. After some help from Mistress P, she has a vision that proves Peyton put the right guy away for the crime. The brain has some additional side effects, however, including hallucinations of Drake, and not the singer/actor/rapper. Liv realizes that she’s got some residual guilt over shooting Drake in the head.

GIF via rocktheholygrail.tumblr.com

A subsequent vision shows that Weckler was hanged by a guard, rather than hanging himself. A fellow con blames a guard named Gary Oberman, but when Clive and Liv head to his house, they find Gary’s wake. (He “fell overboard” on a cruise.) They take the investigation to Weckler’s daughter, Tatum, but she’s afraid of something. As Clive and Liv drive away, Tatum and her friend suck down some brain in a tube.

Mr. Boss shows up at the funeral home and shoots Blaine for taking his business, but isn’t expecting Blaine to be a zombie. Nor is he expecting Blaine to make him a business proposition. Rather than getting killed, Mr. Boss accepts.

Liv has a heart to heart with hallucination!Drake, finally admitting to herself that she’s been hiding from dealing with his death. Peyton and Justin walk in on her final goodbye, but Justin’s cool with it. After they spend some time in their own Fort Lust, Blaine shows up and wants Liv’s assistance with rescuing Ravi and Don E. They “help” each other go full Romero—in ways only the best of frenemies could—in the parking lot while Ravi tries to stop the Johns brothers from torturing Don E.

Brain Melt

- Drake returns! (Sort of.)

- Don E. taped a burner between his butt cheeks! Or … in his sock.

- Weckler’s daughter’s a zombie?!

- Blaine and Liv abusing each other! But with the best of intentions.

Winners and Chewsers

Winner: Peyton. Girl was on fire with the great lines tonight. And her case is getting somewhere. Maybe.

Honorable mention goes out to Shawna—and her participation in Fort Lust. (This one’s for Kandis.)

Loser: Don E. How frightening would it be, even for someone like Don E. who doesn’t seemed to get fazed by much, to come down from WWII dogfight brain only to find yourself chained up and about to be tortured by a bunch of frightened, and therefore extremely dangerous, rednecks?

Words With a Bite

“Totes magotes! Bye now!”—Major“

"Is zombie sex particularly loud? What with the groaning and growling?”—Peyton

“I thought we’d be the kids taking the tour, man. Look around you. We’re like the Oompa Loompas.”—Tanner

“You’re here because you’re sexy. You’re a sex fantasy!”—Liv

“So, what do we do now?”—Liv
“Anyone got a pottery wheel?”—Drake

“Did she have a round shell? A hankering for pizza?”—Peyton

“I’m eating a human brain, so that makes me …”—Blaine
“A cannibal?”—Mr. Boss
“Well, technically. But that’s not what I was going for.”—Blaine

Picking Your Brain

- Who else missed Drake like whoa?

- Since when do we not get to see Liv’s visions?

- Anyone for a Clive-Peyton tryst? Their mutual love of steak speaks volumes.

GIFs via hoodiekunoichi.tumblr.com

- What’s the deal with Weckler’s daughter being a zombie? (We didn’t already know that, right?) And who paid the guard to kill him? This case only gets more convoluted.

- Will the Johns bloodline survive the onslaught of full-Romero’ed Liv and Blaine?

Let’s discuss in the comments!


Next episode: “Conspiracy Weary.” According to the promo, there will be “lots of stuff.”


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