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THE ORIGINALS 4x12: Voodoo Child

THE ORIGINALS 4x12: Voodoo Child

Previously on The Originals: Marcel gave Vincent his voodoo journal back, even though it was obviously a Very Bad Idea. Hayley saw the scariest side of Elijah, and decided her days of loving the bad boy need to be behind her. The spirit of The Hollow appeared to take up residence in Hope.

The Originals Dysfunctional Family Drama

Vincent is up in some creepy looking witch hoodoo, when The Hollow sends her disciples to collect his journal. When Klaus and Elijah come to find out what the hell, he sends them to track the acolytes and get it back.

Rebekah goes to Marcel to try to talk him into letting her family stay in New Orleans, despite the previous truce that only granted them a stay until The Hollow was defeated. He’s all about Sofya, and can’t be talked out of it. Sofya finally awakens. She’s grateful to Marcel for making sure she found her way back, after The Hollow had her body. But she’s pretty sure that The Hollow is still out there, despite everyone thinking Hayley killed her.

Hayley confronts Klaus, wanting to talk about Hope’s future, but he dashes off, hoping that Hayley and Elijah will have a necessary talk. But she runs away, to talk to an obviously semi-catatonic Hope. If Cami were still around, I feel certain she would urge them to get this child to a therapist. Rebekah is onto Hayley having doubts about Elijah. Hayley explains that she’s worried she saw the real Elijah, but she doesn’t want Hope to see that maybe she’s okay with that. She doesn’t want to raise her seeing their monster way of solving problems. Rebekah then catches Hope tossing her magic-inhibiting bracelet into the fire. Then Hope/The Hollow stakes Auntie Bex. As Klaus and Elijah traipse through the woods in search of acolytes, Elijah wants Klaus promise that when this is over, he’ll take Hayley and Hope away from all of of this. Louisiana, or paranormal evil? Freya arrives home from romantic time with Keelin, all happy and in love, but finds a scared Hayley, fretting about what The Hollow could be up to now. Freya confirms The Hollow is in Hope, but thought they’re both now freaked, neither knows what to do. Once Klaus and Elijah track down the acolytes, they’re apprised of the fact that The Hollow has taken up residence in the one body Klaus would never kill.

Vincent has a plan to do some ritual where he dies, in order to track The Hollow. The plan is for Marcel to bring him back at just the right time. What could go wrong? While Vincent is out, the acolytes come after Marcel. Sofya shows up just in the nick of time. But he wakes up with bad news. Sofya tells them how hard it is to fight off The Hollow, and tells Klaus he’ll have to work to reach his daughter, to talk her out of giving up. He does a ritual, to send Klaus to a spiritual plane, to try to get through to Hope. Freya performs a protection spell around Keelin, but then also magically knocks her out, to keep her extra safe. That’s a little heavy-handed, girl. I can’t imagine she’ll appreciate that later. But it works so well on Keelin, Freya goes ahead and does it to Hope, too, so they can buy a little time to work on getting The Hollow out of there. The (ghost of?) Hollow shows up to fight Hayley, who she quickly stakes. When Elijah, Marcel, and Sofya show up to take her on, she makes quick work of all of them. Vincent arrives, to let The Hollow know that he’s been communing with the ancestors, and has the spell to put her away from her own mother. But she’s able to defeat Vincent, and appears to take over Hope’s body for good. And she destroys the book that Vincent used to try to get rid of her. Hope goes to where the acolytes have assembled, ready to start leading her church.

Holy Fang

GIFs via aurorarebeka.tumblr.com

His shattered face? I CANNOT. So, obviously, I’m Elijah trash, and a Haylijah shipper from way back, but I completely see where Hayley is coming from. What mother would feel right about their child growing up in this environment, and seeing their mother in love with a tortured (though supa hot) monster? The only thing about this that doesn’t ring true for me is Hayley ghosting him. Being straightforward seems much more her style. 

I never liked Sofya, but that was a super gross thing to do to her. 

Klaus talking about his daughter being his heart and soul will never not destroy me.

Winners and Losers

Winner: The Hollow. OMG, I’m so over this bland chick. I'm so ambivalent about her, I didn't even give her a corporeal photo. Like, what even is her deal?

Loser: Ain’t none of these folks having a good day. And if they saw the preview for the finale, they’d be even more bummed. But my feelings remain the same. If Elijah leaves, I RIOT, SHOW.

Original Snark

“Can we please put a moratorium on all of the sulking?” Pretty sure it’s a Mikaelson trait that’s here to stay, Bex.

“It’s a lovely day, The Hollow is dead, and my brother is back, much to the joy of custom suit tailors everywhere.” Elijah suit jokes will never not delight me.

“Yes, there are a couple of conversations that need to happen, but we’re late.” Klaus remains the biggest Haylijah shipper of all.

“Sorry to break up your little prayer circle. We’ve come for that book. And to kill the lot of you.” It sounds kind of culturally insensitive, when you put it like that, Klaus.

Haunting Questions

- Uh, Vincent has a way to destroy the Mikaelsons? Where has he been for 1000 years? Asking for the rest of civilization.

- I know I’m a broken record, but I still don’t buy that Marcel is that into Sofya. Who does?

- I’m getting pretty scared of the finale. I’m afraid we’re going to lose a Mikaelson member for good. Hey, it happens! Remember Finn? But WHOOOO? P.S. I'm not kidding about the riot.

Come to the comments, and talk me off the cliff?

Next episode: The finale! Vincent’s plan to destroy The Hollow seems to entail putting her into the four Mikaelson siblings, who can then never see eachother again. That’s not how Always and Forever works!

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