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IZOMBIE 3x12: Looking For Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1

IZOMBIE 3x12: Looking For Mr. Goodbrain, Part 1

Previously, on iZombie: Liv and Blaine rescue Don E. and Ravi from the Johns brothers; Shawna turns out to have questionable social media ethics; Peyton discovers Baracus’ connection to the Weckler case; and Harley becomes the thing he hates most.

Warning: Some of the GIFs in this recap are semi-NSFW. So don’t read this if your boss can see over your shoulder.

Grey Matters

Major arrives at Harley’s bunker with a tube of brains and a dose of the Chaos Killer sedative. He, Liv and Clive shove him in a freezer and decide to deal with him later. But then two of the Wham Bam anti-zombie crew show up and release Harley from the freezer ... and get eaten for their troubles.

While Liv heads to work, where Ravi shows her the cover of the 206 Weekly, complete with Liv’s full Romero face and a story about zombies in Seattle, Major heads to Fillmore-Graves. There, Chase reveals that—thanks to Shawna’s Tumblr—he know that Major’s no longer one of the undead. Chase lets him go, but nicely, and Major’s surprised that at how cool his former teammates are about his being alive. He goes home to unpack his gear, and he gets a text from Natalie, who’s back in town. (And wearing a Killer Abs shirt, natch.) She fills Major in on her travels, and her plan to make a home in Italy. The next day, Major helps her move her stuff into storage, and a friendly massage leads to more. During post-coitus convo, Natalie invites Major to move with her to Italy. And he accepts. (But as this is iZombie, no one can have nice things.)

Baracus visits Peyton in her office and asks her to be his Chief of Staff. Peyton turns him down, saying that she’s busy with her work with the DA’s office and the Weckler case. Liv talks her into taking the job, saying that she can either investigate him from the inside, or help usher in a new era in Seattle’s history. Win-win.

Rachel shows up at the morgue to half-apologize, half-grill Ravi. He panics when Liv gets to work, but Liv’s in disguise, thanks to Rachel’s revealing photo. After Rachel leaves, the two head to a crime scene, where they find that Katty’s been killed. A CDC colleague fills Clive, Liv and Ravi in on what Katty was doing in town, but Ravi suspects it isn’t the whole truth. Per usual, Liv eats Katty’s brain, but she doesn’t expect the visions of sex with Ravi that come with.

GIFs via annabelleebythesea.tumblr.com

Under the guise of investigating, Liv heads to the hotel bar where Katty seemingly spent a lot of time, and nearly sleeps with a married man. The following night, she returns, and almost sleeps with a different guy. When she and Clive visit the hotel bar the next day, and the bartender tells them about Katty’s many conquests, Liv realizes why she’s been acting the way she has. Clive continues to investigate, and ends up at Tatum Weckler’s friend’s house. The friend, Patrice, was a passenger on the flight Katty was investigating, and her mother’s Carey Gold, of Fillmore-Graves.

Major and Natalie head to the Squad House for the party, and Justin tells them that Liv’s busy with work stuff and will be there later. However, she’s actually back at the hotel bar, where she’s met by Chase Graves. The two end up back in Chase’s room. There, Liv helps Chase fulfill a sex fantasy, and finds a note from Katty.

And back at the party, Justin’s getting worried about Liv. But he should have been worried about Harley, who’s crashed the party with a chest full of explosives.

Brain Melt

- Katty’s dead!

- Liv and Chase?!

- Harvey goes kamikaze!

Winners and Chewsers

Winner: Rose McIver. I bet she LOVES the episodes during which she doesn’t have to wear the wig and body paint.

Loser: Natalie. Poor girl deserves so much more than to die at the hands of Harley Johns.

Words With a Bite

“Old Quidditch injury.”—Ravi

“We built a sext tent. We did it in the sex tent. Then we did it some more. Not even a proper haiku, is it.”—Chase

“So this is what you look like.”—Clive
“It’s what I look like with a layer of paint and this uncomfortable wig, so don’t get used to it.”—Liv

“You might find yourself attracted to me.”—Ravi
“So much for nothing weird.”—Liv

“Clearly you’re being distant. It’s not my fault we brain-banged.”—Ravi

“Itty Bitty Knitty Committee?”—Chase

Picking Your Brain

- Not a question, but let's give this show a hand for calling out that old white woman's shizz regarding that sweet Sikh man.

- So is the CDC investigating a flu, or the zombie outbreak?

- HOW is Jason Dohring that sexy? Dude can Get. It.

GIFs via swedishfishrule.tumblr.com

- Should I feel worse that Liv cheated on Justin, right after their chat about being exclusive? (There’s just NO chemistry there.)

- Did Chase have something to do with Katty’s death? Did he accidentally turn her, and take her out to keep it a secret?

- Did Natalie survive Harley’s bomb?

- What’s going to happen to top this in the next episode? iZombie’s not known for its lackluster season finales ...

Let’s discuss in the comments!


Next episode: “Looking for Mr. Goodbrain, Part 2.” And the season comes to a close.


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