Let's get to the links!
Book Related Things
YA Novels That Actually Earn the Veronica Mars Comparison.
Jason Reynolds' latest book, Miles Morales: Spider-Man, dropped on Tuesday, and the ABA announced that Jason is their new Indies First Spokesperson:
How E. Lockhart started writing YA.
Angie Thomas interviews Arvin Ahmadi about creating more diverse characters.
Obsidio (Illuminae #3) cover reveal and excerpt!
The farm from Charlotte's Web is for sale.
Meg Cabot interviewed in EW.
Jessica Williams and J.K. Rowling celebrate their birthday together. I love that they are buds!
YA Onscreen Things
ICYMI, this week on YA Onscreen: Possible third Princess Diaries, UnREAL gets a fourth season, and more!
Hot Pie has opened a Game of Thrones-themed bakery! Go and get your direwolf-shaped pastries!
More casting news for The Hate U Give! And here's some more!
Ascendant is going to be a series on STARZ. Yawn.
Famous in Love has been renewed. (Are any of y'all watching? Is it any good?)
Social Media Things:
Dolly Parton needs actual canonization, Pope Francis:
Miscellaneous Things:
These Disney villain transformations - all by the same woman - are AMAZING. Yzma's eyelashes! Anton Ego!
That's it for this week! I will be off duty for the next couple of weeks as I'll be on HOLIDAY in England with family! Laters!