Welcome back to this week's edition of YA Onscreen. Let's see what new things we can discuss today!
The producers of Poldark (who gifted us with sexy scything, bless their souls), are taking a stab at a "darker" Pride and Prejudice, hoping to play on the story's more adult topics.
Guardians of the Galaxy director, James Gunn, has stated that the third volume will be the last one of the current iteration of Guardians, but he's got no shortage of other ideas for this universe.
Check out this heartwarming and awesomely animated short:
The president of CW is apparently a Mon-El/Supergirl fan. In other Supergirl news, they've cast 24 alum, Carlos Bernard (TONY!), as Maggie's...well, I will let you spoil yourself, if you wish.
The Lion King movie has cast Alfie Woodard and John Kani as Sarabi and Rafiki, respectively, plus Chiwetel Ejiofor as Scar and Seth Rogen as Pumbaa (which is perfect casting, let's be real).
Ryan Reynolds dropped two photos of Josh Brolin in his Cable getup to promote Deadpool 2.
Marwan Kenzari has snapped up the role of Jafar for the live-action Aladdin, plus former SNL star, Nasim Pedrad, has been cast as Jasmine's handmaiden, a comedic role created just for this movie.
Cate Blanchett will star as Lucille Ball in Lucy and Desi, an Aaron Sorkin penned script recently acquired by Amazon Studios. Who would you suggest to play Desi? These two are so iconic to me (I loved I Love Lucy as a child), I can't imagine anyone as them except, well, themselves.
Ralph Macchio and William Zabra reunite to discuss the upcoming YouTube Red sequel to Karate Kid, Cobra Kai.
Is the recent revival of live TV musicals coming to an end? ABC has postponed its October showing of The Little Mermaid, this coming soon after the announcement that NBC has also delayed their production of Bye Bye, Birdie. I'm all for TV musicials, but let's hope that they're going to take this much-needed time to make these things GOOD instead of the cringe-fests they often become. Bye Bye, Birdie and The Little Mermaid, two of my childhood favorites, deserve better.
The CW has announced that November 27 will be the start of the first of four Arrowverse crossovers episodes.
That's it for the week. Let us know what other news you've heard around the watercooler in the comments section.