Happy Friday! It's over 100 degrees here and we don't have A/C! Pray for me!
On to the links!
Book Related Things
The NYT did a write-up about upcoming teen and kids books about Muslim refugees.
Victoria Schwab just signed a $1 million deal with TOR books to write four more books - and they're linked to the A Darker Shade of Magic series! (srsly if y'all are sleepin' on that ya need to get to it!)
Celebrating the (Not So) Sweet Sixteen of FYA fave (and book club pick) Sloppy Firsts!
Ally Carter is doing a gender-swapped YA Romancing the Stone!
2017 Amanda has a lot of appreciation for 1980's Michael Douglas. <3
YA Onscreen Things
This week in YA Onscreen: This promo for the upcoming Heathers TV show has me INTRIGUED.
Not YA, but there's been a dearth of good news this week: Winona Ryder and Keanu Reeves to star in the (rom-?) comedy, Destination Wedding. We'll always bring you Winona or Keanu-related news, don't fret.
Social Media Things
YA authors' awesome response to Hurricane Harvey:
You can support their Global Giving campaign here.
Rachel Hawkins gives damn good history:
This project is getting rightfully dragged on Twitter: Two Dudes Plan Female-Centric ‘Lord Of The Flies’ At Warner Bros. One example:
And the DELIGHTFUL Libba Bray's clapback:
Miscellaneous Things
Mad Max: Fury Road POPS are FINALLY coming. FURIOSAAAAAAAA