First things first: the start of fall isn't until September 22, but a lot of y'all are out here in these internet streets like:
On to the links!
Book Related Things
These Depression-era librarians on horseback will make all librarians feel some well-deserved pride.
Favorite comic book pets! Squirrel Girl's Tippy Toe! Inhumans' Lockjaw!
Fantasy book maps swag! I need that Westeros cutting board.
YA Onscreen Things
This week in YA Onscreen: Drew Barrymore is bringing us a horror anthology, Paul Bettany joins Han Solo, and more!
Brenton Thwaites has recently been cast as Nightwing, and the internet has been dutifully googling for pics of his butt. Do us proud, Brenton!
Gina Rodriguez is developing immigration dramas for The CW and CBS!
Lady Bird is NOT about the former First Lady, but it's definitely on-brand for FYA:
Social Media Things
Happy 50th birthday to Leslie Jones, who is GOALS (turn your volume down if you're at work):
Miscellaneous Things
Chris Evans' adorable reunion with his dog (plus bonus other Chrises and their dogs).
Out of Print has a 4 for $30 library card mug deal to benefit hurricane relief.
Torrid has a new Outlander collection, and Hot Topic has a new Riverdale collection - including Jughead's beanie!
Y'all know that Meredith and I are totally getting these, right?