Channel: Forever Young Adult
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Procrastination Pro-Tips: Ender’s Game, Sanditon and More!

Procrastination Pro-Tips: Ender’s Game, Sanditon and More!

Guys, I’ve been having a great last 24 hours!  My favorite sportsball team won a game, my home state did a solid and I got to see Sara Zarr give a talk.  Basically my good juju is set to run out any minute.  So let’s just enjoy the good life while we can and get some internet reading under our belts in the process.

Book Related Things

YA author Maureen Johnson asked people to create “gender-swapped” covers of popular books.  The results are funny, yet slightly depressing.

World’s most insecure and judgy husband doesn’t like his wife’s YA reading habit.

One woman explains why she hates The Great Gatsby.

Movie Related Things

GUYS, GUYS, GUYS!  It’s the Ender’s Game trailer!  It’s finally here!

This is super exciting because I LOVE Ender’s Game.  But I'm also hesitant because I worry the movie won’t do it justice.  Also, Harrison Ford has been phoning it in since the mid-90s.  (Actually, I feel like the terming “phoning it in” is actually giving him too much credit.  He dropped his phone in the toilet years ago.)  But even putting all that aside, I STILL don’t know how to feel because...yeah...Orson Scott Card.  Oy.

Robb Stark as Prince Charming.  I repeat, Richard Madden is the new Prince Charming.  Of your pants parts.

A Dungeons & Dragons movie may be in the works!  Just don’t wear any boob armor...it could kill you!

TV Related Things

What is going on with those accents in Game of ThronesOne man ventures to find out.

A roundup of all the shows that have been renewed or cancelled so far.

Miscellaneous Things

Lizzie Bennet Diaries fans!  The first teaser for Sanditon is here!

For fans of webcomic Hyperbole and a Half...it’s back!  With a very honest comic explanation of where its creator has disappeared to.

What was YOUR favorite song on the Romeo + Juliet soundtrack?  (UHHH, ALL OF THEM.)

And that’s it!  What have you read or watched this week?  Share in the comments below!

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