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Last week we said goodbye to Meghan. Knowing all the amazing posts and reviews we’ll be missing out on is giving me a major sad. But what isn’t sad is that Meghan is writing her first novel! And that we’ll all get a chance to experience her lovely writing again, this time in book form. (YOU HEAR THAT PUBLISHERS???? This book will be amazing and you need to buy it ASAP, so we can all read it RIGHT NOW!) But since finishing a book takes time, I’ve gathered some of FYA’s favorite Meghan posts all in one place. So we can take a look at some of the best things she’s reviewed, created and talked about over the last four years.
Putting this post together has reminded me of how multi-talented Meghan is. On the one hand, she can put together amazing outfits inspired by literary characters (GIVE ME ALL THE CODE NAME VERITY INSPIRED OUTFITS, RIGHT NOW, PLS, KTHX). On the other, she can use her computer skills to put together amazing book recommendation flowcharts and the hilarious FYA calendar she made back in 2012.
And we haven’t even gotten to her craft posts yet! She taught you how to bake like Peeta and drink like you're Lady Grantham. She taught you how to hand-embroider a gift or make your own mockingjay pin bookmark. She saved you from a trip to Hot Topic by showing you how to screenprint your own Hunger Games t-shirt. She even helped you create your own board game.
Meghan was also the queen of creating FYA pop quizzes. She helped you figure out your new signature cocktail, your prince charming, your YA BFF, your dream date and even whether you are a secret secretary of the gay agenda! She also had thoughtful and hilarious things to say about current trends or talking points in the YA book world.
Image may be NSFW.
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Gratuitous photo of one of Meghan’s completely adorable boys.
Meghan also selflessly tackled reviewing America’s favorite show about adolescent werewolves, and unlike all FYA’s other TV recaps, these were done entirely in MS Paint. (With drinking game rules and an ab count each episode, naturally.) And Meghan’s breakdown of Rory’s three main love interests on Gilmore Girls manages to remain of her most popular posts and still pulls in new readers (despite the first couple hundred comments having been wiped out in the server transfer).
But after reviewing hundreds of books, it’s Meghan’s thoughtful, honest and funny reviews that really stand out. She had an especially good eye for well written and gut-punchy contemporary and historical fiction. (And, I should point out, great taste in fantasy, which I personally benefited from!) Some examples: I’ll Be There, Okay For Now, If I Stay (and its sequel), Between Shades of Gray, Life: An Exploded Diagram, Small Damages, and A Monster Calls. And most recently, she caused a stir with her defense of Bennett Madison’s September Girls (hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try it!)
I’ll always appreciate that Meghan introduced me to the Sally Lockhart series. She promoted deserving classics like A Room With A View and A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. She dug up classic Madeleine L'Engle titles (and I wish she’d had time to do more!)
Which of Meghan’s posts were your favorites? And what will you miss the most?