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Darcy and Cancer in the Congo: The Best of Alix

Darcy and Cancer in the Congo: The Best of Alix

Earlier this week Alix announced her departure from FYA.  This certainly makes me feel some feels, because not only do I love Alix’s writing and humor, but FYA is the reason we were able to become real world friends before she moved to Scotland.  But enough of the mushy stuff.  You know the drill!  Let’s get together and talk about our favorite Alix posts.

Whenever I think of Alix and books, I always think of her love for Pride and Prejudice and how that obsession has led her to read all sorts of hilarious and terrible retellings.  There was the time Darcy was a rockstar who wore leather pants.  And the time Darcy was a vampire.  (To be fair, they weren’t all that bad.)  And let’s not forget her timely and much needed analyses of The Lizzie Bennet Diaries while it was still in production.   

Alix became FYA’s main contributor for graphic novels.  And she also gets credit for introducing many FYA readers to the amazing works of Jean Webster.  (Okay, I get to take some credit, since I recommended Daddy-Long-Legs to her!)  Although don’t blame me if I like Alix’s slam reviews even more than her gushing ones.  (Alix just hasn’t had the best luck with Annette Curtis Klause.)

I remember how excited I was when Alix ordered a giant lot of Lurlene McDaniel books off of ebay.  I had always seen those tragically named (no pun intended) books growing up and while curious about those “dead kids and cancer” books, but had never read them for myself.  Neither had Alix, but she majorly took one for the team.  The result of which was one of my favorite FYA posts ever.  (Plus a bonus Christmas Cancer Special!)

The Tintin drinking game and reviews also brought equal parts horror and delight.  I mean, is Tintin In The Congo the most racist cartoon ever?  (I mean, it’s certainly up there.)

I also loved Alix’s short lived series, Effed Up Fairytales.  She took some of the most sick fairytales and re-imagined them as current day YA books.  The result is obviously as icky and hilarious as you’d think.  (Although we never did find out what happened to poor Penta of the Chopped-Off Hands...)

And don’t forget to thank Alix for what has to be the the greatest March Madness internet poll the world had ever seen.  (Slight exaggeration?  Maybe.)  While we all had a hand in Teen Movie March Madness, Alix put in a ton of extra time and effort to make it as fabulous as it was.  (I mean, the seeding?  The Elite Eight only had one and two seeds.  Girl was doing something seriously right.  That’s some Nate Silver wizard-type shit.)  I mean, just look at this deathmatch postPriceless.

I love the random one-off posts.  If you give her the chance, Alix will find a way to talk about her fake boyfriend Lee Ho Min.  Or how about her review of Pottermore, which I love for 1. Being the most accurate review of Pottermore, probably ever and 2. Attracting all sorts of Harry Potter internet trolls who do not appreciate lukewarm reactions to the things they love.

And she would probably say otherwise, but Alix is super talented at all sorts of crafty things and life in general, so it’s not really a surprise that she designed all of the super awesome t-shirts for FYA.  I mean, just look at that Peacock & Prejudice shirtAHHHH love it.

So what was your favorite Alix post?  And what series or thing do you hope she’ll do again one day as a guest post?  (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge Alix.)

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