Welcome back to the YA Movie News Roundup, where young adult movie news is totally rounded up by me!
Jena Malone gave an interview on playing Johanna Mason in the upcoming adaptation of Catching Fire, and she looked fantastic while doing so. An excerpt: "The only reason I got this is because I blew them out of the water in the audition. It wasn’t because I played the game right and wore the sexy skirt, it was because I went in there and really auditioned and they actually had a casting director that wanted to cast real actors. That is not always the case."
And author John Green gave an interview about The Fault in our Stars' journey into being turned into a film, and he says he's "totally, unambiguously excited" about it, but also sort of can't believe it, among other juicy tidbits.
Susannah Grant, the writer of Erin Brockovich and writer/director of Catch and Release, has been tapped to take on the adaptation of Rick Yancey's The Fifth Wave. I think she's an excellent choice and I wrote about why here - now let's start fantasy casting!
Matthew Quick, the screenwriter behind Oscar darling Silver Linings Playbook, is returning to the page with a YA novel, and he spoke about it here.
Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam's upcoming sci-fi YA book Elusion has been optioned for the big screen already. Here's some more scoop.
And Emmy-nominated writer Jason Odell Williams has an upcoming YA series titled The Personals, the first of which - Personal Statement - has also been optioned by Hollywood. The book evidently "follows high school overachiever Emily as she heads, BFF in tow, to a town rocked by a natural disaster to score the volunteering credit she needs for Ivy League college admissions." I bet perspectives are changed and priorities shifted!
That's it for this week, so meet me back here next Tuesday for more scoop!