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Trailer Party: This Is For New York

Trailer Party: This Is For New York

Good Monday, FYA-ers! And welcome back to another edition of Trailer Party, an FYA feature in which we watch movie trailers and decide whether we should make room in our busy reading schedules to fit in a viewing. Some of these trailers have been mentioned in recent editions of Pro-Tips, a few might not be the typical FYA fare, others still might be movies you’ve never even heard of! But they do all have one thing in common—they’re all coming soon to theaters. (NSFW warning—some trailers include images of a sexy nature.)



The To Do List

Release Date: July 26 (I’m cheating a little with this one, since it’s already out in the U.S., but it just looks so FYA that I couldn’t resist.)

Casting Call: In order of appearance: Aubrey Plaza, Alia Shawkat, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Johnny Simmons, Donald Glover, Scott Porter, Rachel Bilson, Bill Hader, Andy Samberg, Connie Britton and Clark Gregg. Who ISN’T in this movie?

Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: Realizing that Rusty Waters, the winking surfer dude in a muscle tee playing the guitar is, in fact, Jason Street Scott Porter. Or, perhaps, the moment in which Bill Hader tells Aubrey Plaza that he has bigger boobs than she does.

Bonus Factor(s): 90s fashion, music and school accessories. Trapper Keepers, y’all!

Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater, if you can find it in one near you. Otherwise, set a Netflix alert right now.



Thanks For Sharing

Release Date: Sept. 20

Casting Call: Pepper Potts and the Hulk—together?! Oh wait, this isn’t a Marvel movie. Mark Ruffalo and Gwyneth Paltrow star, with supporting roles filled by Tim Robbins, Joely Richardson, Josh Gad and … Pink?

Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: Josh Gad’s character's moment of “going all Jack Bauer” on Pink.

Bonus Factor(s): Romantic comedy, with a twist; Gwyneth Paltrow in all of her black lingerie-clad, Tracy Anderson-toned glory.

Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Netflix. Regardless of The Power of The Ruffalo, I’m not sure I can justify spending $10+ for two hours of watching people be awkward about sex.



Ender’s Game

Release Date: Nov. 1

Casting Call: Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley (with a pretty major face tattoo), Viola Davis, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Asa Butterfield and a whole bunch of other children conscripted to fight the battles of adults.

Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: I suppose when the ships fire straight up through the ice?

Bonus Factor?: CGI. And LOTS of it.

Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: I loved Ender's Game (the book), and I love the adult actors in the movie, so I hate to say this, but … Netflix. I’m sure that this is one of those movies that might be better on the big screen, at least action-wise, and I hate not showing support for the people involved in the creation of the movie, but it just doesn’t look that good. (Also, I’m so appalled by Orson Scott Card’s bigotry that I’m wary of doing anything that might be misconstrued as supporting the man.)



Thor: The Dark World

Release Date: Nov. 8

Casting Call: Since this is a sequel to Thor, pretty much anyone who didn’t die in the first movie is back for a second helping of Asgardian ass-kicking. Chris Hemsworth’s back is back in the titular role; Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as the best part of the movie villainous Loki; and Natalie Portman returns from her science outing to Tromso as Jane Foster, girlfriend of Thor and part-time brilliant physicist/part-time damsel in distress. New this movie are Zachary Levi, who’s taken over the role of Fandral (played in the first movie by Josh Dallas, who couldn’t return due to Once Upon a Time commitments), and Christopher Eccleston, who will be the main villain and Dark Elf Malekith.

Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: Jane punching Loki in the face “for New York.” The continuity of the main Avengers-centric Marvel movies is so brilliantly crafted.

Bonus Factor(s): Loki getting hammered by that giant rock creature and then said rock creature getting knocked apart like it’s no big thing by Thor (Loki’s definitely the brains in that duo.); badass ladies Sif and Frigga getting in on the battle action; Idris Elba.

Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater. Midnight. Opening day. Or, if you’re not as serious about Marvel movies as I am, still theater (preferably opening weekend). The epic action that’s sure to be in this movie should not be missed on the big screen.



About TIme

Release Date: Nov. 8

Casting Call: Domhnall Gleeson (a.k.a. Bill Weasley), Bill Nighy (playing his father, but not Arthur Weasley), and Rachel McAdams (with terrible hair).

Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: The look on Bill Nighy’s face when Tim expresses his hope that his time-traveling ability will help him get chicks.

Bonus Factor(s): Time travel, for “fun” rather than science; an adorable ginger.

Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater. However, I’m assuming this one might get a limited run, so unless you live in a major city or one with an arty theater, you’re unfortunately probably going to have to wait for it to get to Netflix.



The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Release Date: Dec. 25

Casting Call: Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig and Adam Scott, all in decidedly atypical roles. Oh, and a rugged-looking Sean Penn.

Most Fist-Pump-Worthy Moment: When Walter decides he’s had just about enough of his mundane life and runs out of the office.

Bonus Factor: Magical realism.

Theater, Netflix or Sick Day: Theater. There’s something about this trailer that makes me really want to see this movie, and until researching for this post, I’d heard next to little about it. I can’t resist when actors known for their comedy roles can pull off something more serious (à la Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction.)

So? What do you think about today’s selections, party guests? Did we miss any movies you’re particularly looking forward to? Share your thoughts or trailers in the comments below!

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