HEY Y'ALL. This episode of Nashville is definitely my favorite of the season thus far. Rayna got some action, Juliette told off a chauvinist dirtbag, Maddie and Daphne sang a song, and Deacon was real sweet. WELL PLAYED, SHOW. Let's discuss the finer points:
- Scarlett's going on tour with Luke Wheeler! And... so is Gunnar? Well f*ck.
- Maddie wants to hang out with Deacon. WHO CAN BLAME HER? Thank you, child, for bringing Rayna and Deacon back together so that eventually, they can hook up in a whirlwind of happiness and then break up in a traumatic way. Wait, maybe I shouldn't be saying thank you.
- But how precious was Deacon, wanting to be someone Maddie can be proud of?!! Dude, not to demotivate you, but Teddy has set the bar extremely low.
- Speaking of Teddy, holy shizz, he and Peggy actually got married. Even though Peggy has officially entered Full On Crazy Mode. Place your bets now on how many episodes we've got until she murders him in his sleep!
- Gunnar made a deal with the devil Jeff Doucheham!!! NOOOOOOO.
- Luke Wheeler is a handsome gentleman with a large amount of land. In other words, he's the Mr. Darcy of Nashville and utterly deserving of Rayna's affection. I mean, until we get to the season finale and Deacon returns to being a viable option. Also, he made this happen, which was awesome:
- Maddie and Daphne looks so pretty at the wedding! And they sang so pretty too!
- Who else got mad at Gay Cowboy Will for leaving the bar when those homophobic dicks were harassing Jeff's assistant and his boyfriend? And then how guilty did you feel for thinking badly of him when he got busy punching the shizz out of the aforementioned dicks? And THEN how much did you revert back to being disappointed in him when he hooked up with Layla? Gay Cowboy Will, GET OUT OF THE CLOSET ALREADY.
- When Layla told Juliette, "I'm not you. You can go save someone else." DAYUM.
- I am SO glad that Deacon asked Maddie what happened to her glasses!!! Unfortunately, it seems that she's committed to her contacts. Sigh.
Best Rayna James Line:
While I did love Rayna's straight talk with Maddie ("We made some decisions a long time ago that are really impacting your life right now. And I'm so sorry that it's caused you even an ounce of pain. But we're gonna make it right together."), I gotta give this one to Juliette:
"I guess nice just ain't my color."
Rayna vs Juliette: (Who won?)
Both women had a preeeetty good run in this episode. Juliette got to sex it up with Charlie Wentworth again, and then she got to tell off Bobby Belmont. But then she had to kiss Olivia. SO, this one definitely goes to Rayna, who got to spend Teddy's wedding day doing the following: shooting guns, sleeping with Luke Wheeler and watching Deacon sing. Not bad for a day's work, girl.
Best Scene:
Juliette telling DJ Bobby Belmont HOW IT IS = a thousand fist pumps.
Best Sub-plot:
Deacon and Avery!!!! From that very first milk incident to them discovering that the open mic night was at a comedy club, I am head over heels for this unlikely duo. Major pants to the writer who thought of this storyline, cos I never saw it coming.
- Why did the show cut off Maddie and Daphne's song after only one chorus? I would have gladly sacrificed the scene with Gunnar and Zoey just to hear that entire song.
- Show, why did you have to go and make Houston look bad with those redneck homophobes? Houston has one of the largest gay communities in the country! Next time, DO YOUR RESEARCH.
Burning Questions:
- Gunnar Hairwatch 2013: Seriously, how much higher can Gunnar's hair get? And will it lower now that he has to tour with Scarlett? Or will it get higher? i DON'T UNDERSTAND THE PHYSICS OF GUNNAR'S HAIR.
- Is that DJ guy Bobby Belmont the grossest person on the planet, or is that DJ guy Bobby Belmont the grossest person on the planet?
- What the hell is Juliette going to do about Olivia?
- Will Gunnar and Scarlett hook up on the tour? Because (and I still can't believe I'm saying this), I want her to be with Avery! Because I'm obviously on crazy pills!
- When is Layla going to totally trainwreck in the public eye and run to Juliette for help?
- When will Jeff Doucheham die a terrible death?
So, do y'all agree that this was a solid episode? Where do you think these plotlines are going? And what's driving you crazy? Spill it in the comments!